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What is your favorite card of each type?


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Monster: The Calculator (Photon Calculator is one of my favourite decks so it is sort of a toss up along with Photon Satellite)

Spell: Inferno Reckless Summon (Nice in some decks like Cybers, can by pass the downside if your opponent has no main deck monsters out)

Trap: Call of the Haunted (I can't think of a better one, maybe Cyber Network)


I'll to a larger list tomorrow.

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Monster, Number 7. It's Graceful Charity, Monster Reborn and Final Destiny all rolled into one. A superb card.


Spell, Question. Effectively Monster Reborn that has the added bonuses of bringing great frustration to your opponent as they realise they simply cannot recall the relevant information and are powerless to stop you.


Trap, Destiny Board. Because it's a truly beautiful way to win and it also allows you to reap the souls of your opponents.

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