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Assault Blackwing - Raikiri the Sudden Shower

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1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
If this card is Synchro Summoned using a "Blackwing" monster as Material, it is treated as a Tuner monster while face-up on the field. Once per turn: You can target cards your opponent controls, up to the number of other "Blackwing" monsters you control; destroy them.


Honestly, moerso concerned with this archetype on the whole.


With Chidori, there are 42 Blackwing Monsters (34 Main, 8 Synchro), and 16 support cards for them, and Black Wing Revenge summons Blackwing Tokens. That's a total of 59 funking cards. SHVI looks to have one more Blackwing, as well, bumping it up to 60.


The anime also has 7 additional Synchros, 2 more maindeck monsters (of which 1 should be in SHVI, as said), and 1 more trap.


Then the manga has 2 more monsters, 2 more spells, and 2 more traps. 


If we add it all up, this archetype has, across the mediums, 76 cards, albeit of varying quality.


... Aside from over saturation that seems second only to HERO... How does this deck not have a funking Stratos? I mean yeah, it has Black Whirlwind, but other decks have better sets of multiple searchers. This doesn't even have a RotA.

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Between Whirlwind and that lv3 tuner bastard it's pretty damn close.


Heroes basically have Stratos, Ecall, Mist and Rota. That's 6 in OCG and 7 in TCG. You'll search 7 times in BW easily

This just isnt true. The deck barely even uses "that lv3 tuner bastard". It's just that we barely need it between Chicken race, Upstart, Allure and terraforming, which allows us to draw into Whirlwind which is in most cases more than enough.

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>Archetype has no Stratos



If you control a "Blackwing" monster, except "Blackwing - Whirlwind the Black Whirlwind", you can Special Summon this card(from your hand) as a Tuner monster. You can Tribute this card from your hand or side of the field: Add 1 "Black Whirlwind" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. Then, you can Normal Summon 1 more "Blackwing" monster this turn, as an additional Normal Summon.


Problem solved.


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This just isnt true. The deck barely even uses "that lv3 tuner bastard". It's just that we barely need it between Chicken race, Upstart, Allure and terraforming, which allows us to draw into Whirlwind which is in most cases more than enough.

Oh god, is this how TCG plays Blackwings? UPSTART?! CHICKEN funking GAME?!?! What that actual funk

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Says the one who got beaten by the engine 3-0 lol

But in seriousness why would you not play it when zeph makes you + so hard with it.

You might also throw in it was a linear trash deck that was Resolve Stratos or lose.  R4nk is more agreesive, this build is an older one, but this is how you build BW properly 





Anyway you can run Soul Shave with Forcetrix now, so might as well that route. CDI is still a damn good card

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