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Mausoleum of the Emperor

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Something something technically a Monarchs card because Japanese name.


But no, this should NOT be used in Monarchs. Why?


"This is not a Tribute Summon.)"


That's why.


Regardless, though, in certain decks, it can be handy to run this thing, since otherwise high-level monsters with no tribute-fodder would be a brick and a half.



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This also appears to be the only card that writes out the word "one" instead of the numeral.

I distinctly remember Void Trap Hole also being a case of this. There are definitely others like the monsters who limit attack targets to themselves, but those make more sense.

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Both Earthbound Immortals and the high-Level Spirits come to mind for uses with this card. However, Earthbounds really like Mound of the Bound Creator as their Field Spell a lot of the time, and the Spirits IMO work better with Nikitama+Aratama and either monarch support and/or Performages for easy Tribute fodder plus Xyz access if needed, so it doesn't seem all that practical.


One thing though that is a shame about this card though is that you can't use Stormforth to remove an opponent's monster whilst paying 1000 for the other Tribute if you are summoning a level 7+ monster.

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