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Cato-something and the Witch of Fate

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When your opponent Special Summons a monster(s), you can remove from play 1 monster with ? ATK from your Graveyard to destroy that Special Summoned monster(s).

So... I assume this thing was released with Fortune Ladies as off the top of my head, they are the only archetype with "?" stats.


However, for discussion's sake, let's ignore the cost. How useful is its effect? It is non-targeting destruction of 1+ monsters that lacks an OPT. However, it doesn't negate the Summon, so they can still trigger effects. Also, since the monster(s) do hit the field, Pendulums end up back in the Extra Deck. Aside from its effect, it also has decent ATK, 0 DEF and a useful type.


Sooooo... Discuss?

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It's a cool card, but it's not that good unfortunately.


The worst type of removal in the game currently is destroying cards on the field, because you risk activating some dangerous float effects that can bring you back to square one.  While it is cool against Pendulums since they like Special Summoning in bulk, this card is very vulnerable to removal effects, which makes banking on this card as a wincon a no-no.

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