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Is there even a reason to care anymore?


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I lost any sort of passion that I may have had for anything.  I stopped caring about putting effort into anything and listening to what others say.  I stopped caring about playing games and watching things.


All I really care about is just sleeping in for the rest of my life.  There's nothing appealing about anything anymore because people feel the need to drain the magic out of everything that would give even a sort of meaning to life.


Nothing in life can ever be considered cool anymore because I have my cognition believe that I have seen and heard it all.  Is this what depression feels like?  Is this the kind of scenario that affects those with depression?


What should I do now?

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This happened to me last year


I have no motivations, and I have no aspirations.  


I quit my job and laze around the house....sleeping in and dreading that my life is going no where.


I don't go out, I don't meet new people........I've never thought about it before, but I might suffer from the same sort of slump that you find yourself in.  


All I can say is....carry on my wayward son!

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You probably aren't doing too much or achieving much in real life if you're feeling this way. I wouldn't say that this is 100% depression; I think you just are starting to just lower the threshold of what you decide to enjoy and believe in your life, and it's not like complete detachment or nihilism. Sometimes it might just be that you aren't seeing things in multiple dimensions, or sometimes constant repetition of things in your life are affecting your visions. There are somethings in life worth to put effort in, you just haven't achieved anything yet. And if you think that you already tried and that there's nothing else for you, then maybe you aren't doing enough. The key here is that there's always eventual hope in everything around you. Do something different. Motivate yourself that you can strive to improve your self-esteem and worth. Get out of your comfort zone and try something different like a new hobby. 

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You probably aren't doing too much or achieving much in real life if you're feeling this way. I wouldn't say that this is 100% depression; I think you just are starting to just lower the threshold of what you decide to enjoy and believe in your life, and it's not like complete detachment or nihilism. Sometimes it might just be that you aren't seeing things in multiple dimensions, or sometimes constant repetition of things in your life are affecting your visions. There are somethings in life worth to put effort in, you just haven't achieved anything yet. And if you think that you already tried and that there's nothing else for you, then maybe you aren't doing enough. The key here is that there's always eventual hope in everything around you. Do something different. Motivate yourself that you can strive to improve your self-esteem and worth. Get out of your comfort zone and try something different like a new hobby. 


Any possible suggestions for things to do?

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There is always a reason. There's always new things to find, play, read, experience. It may not seem so now but it is the truth. There's so much in this wondrous, crazy, world of ours. Read, write, watch, go out for a walk, pet a dog, do things, live! There are many options, don't let anyone, including yourself, bring you down!

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Any possible suggestions for things to do?


You could probably do some volunteer service if you looked around your area for things to do, because helping people always will expect good feelings. You could probably go out more often, probably exercise and get fit, or do other worthwhile activities. You can do anything as long as you believe there's a goal worth striving for.


It seems cheesy to reference this, but sometimes doing the smallest things can fill you with determination.

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I also lack direction on what to do with my life as I don't know what to major in. However I am motivated enough to keep striving, however I don't know what I am striving for... I just keep going to "get it over with" rather than look ahead in the horizon to the opportunities that I may have in the future.

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I'd also recommend talking to someone about your feelings. It's not necessarily depression, but losing interest in things you normally have a passion for is a sign. As someone who had a nasty bout with it last semester, I wouldn't hold it in.

If you decide that you're truly just bored and jaded, then I'd say do something that'll make you feel good about yourself. I second volunteering and trying out exercise, those are known to boost confidence and good vibes.

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Please seek help - these are early signs of depression, and if not treated, it can be crippling, if not worse. You are a good person, you deserve to be happy, and therapy does work. Take care of yourself. If you are a student, your school should have some mental health / counseling resources available, and they can refer you to a long-term treatment option.

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