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Meep: Inflicting Contradiction


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During your Main Phase: You can send this card to the Graveyard; Your Opponent lose 500 LP. If your opponent has less than 500 LP: reduce their LP to 0, and if you do, you win the match.


This is the correct PSCT if you're interested in.


Seems a fine card, but it should be a continous Spell?


Seems that it would be played in some Final countdown like deck. Except better, since it can kill sooner, and if you win once, you win the entire match.

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I'm not a fan of this card.


Standard burn decks are unlikely to use it, as the burn is way too low to be of any value. More typical decks are also unlikely to use it, for the same reason they don't use burn cards like Chain Strike or Just Desserts.


The only decks that are going to be able to make practical use out of this card (by using its Match Win effect) are decks specifically catered around it. I can imagine these being similar to the "Magical Explosion/Life Equaliser FTK" that gained a lot of popularity last year when Chicken Race was made. If anyone played against a deck like that... well then you know that it just isn't fun to play against (unless you draw Performage Damage Juggler, in which case lol) and you wish decks like that didn't exist.


While such a deck would probably less reliable than Magical Explosion FTK, the payoff (winning the Match instead of just the Duel) is huge.

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