0PxPz0 Posted December 28, 2015 Report Share Posted December 28, 2015 Chapter one - The Book of Everflame (cards to go with story (http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/345827-everflame-the-town-of-a-legends/)) It begAn with four eLementaL eggs, each destined for great power but it was the egg of eternitY, the embOdiment of all that is fire and mystical, that was the most powerful of all, for from it woUld hatch a legendary creature and the savior of our village. BacK before Names, befOre good and evil, and before time itself these elemental eggs were mysteriously formed. Each one hatched into a powerful creature that possessed the very essence of the four elements respectively. The creatures would live and die one thousand times before reaching their true form and thus would have one thousand names, far to many to say. There was the wisest one, an owl with the spirit of the wind, the strongest one, a tortoise with the sturdiness of mountains, the most intelligent one, a grand sea serpent that commanded the oceans, and the most powerful of all, a phoenix who burned brighter than one hundred suns. This is the tale of that legendary phoenix and how she was betrayed. The four beasts had been great friends ever since they were born, all four simultaneously, as the forces of nature bent to their will each one balanced out the other three and vice versa, it was this way until a fateful day no elder can recall, the owl suggested to the tortoise and serpent, for it's wisdom had made it wicked, that the three of them try to destroy the phoenix and distribute her power. The tortoise, for all it's strength it was the dullest of the four, agreed with the greedy owl right away. It was the serpent, whose intelligence is boundless, that questioned the owl at first "Is she not our friend? Why would we ever wish harm upon her, especially considering it would throw us three out of balance." Expecting the serpent to question the owl fiendishly tricked her in saying in a sickly sweet tone "i understand your concern but that is why the powers of fire would be delegated between us, to keep balance." Then, coming up with the excuse on the spot he continued "besides have you not heard? The town of Everflame has begun worshiping her above the three of us, even building a great shrine of ivory and gold in her honor, i fear if we do not act, soon she shall turn against us." This lie had been in some ways true, man kind had not simply appeared like the beasts had, they were created by them to live in the world they loved so. It was the Phoenix who had suggested it and created a prototype of sorts for the first man, using white hot magma to shape the body she persuaded the wise owl to breathe the soul into it's form, the serpent to harden the body with its cooling waters, and the tortoise to create it's beauty using precious gems embedded with magic. After the humans had organized themselves into tribes the beasts went amongst their business, periodically visiting their creations but never revealing their origins, that is, until the phoenix, for she cared the most about us, came to our village of Everflame, which rests in a vally of volcanoes, and told our ruling council the truth. That she had come up with the idea to create us, and therefore was the true creator of all humans. it was then decided that a great temple would be build in our mothers honor where she could rest at the end and beginning of her reincarnations and that a high priestess would be appointed to guard the egg of eternity until it had hatched once more, as well as speak on behalf of the phoenix to direct the village onto the correct path. After a long period of planning the three had decided exactly how to destroy the phoenix, first the serpent requested that she come to her undersea home to discuss urgent business regarding humans, then once her powers were weakened under the sea the tortoise would call for help in his caverns melting a mystic glass deposit, which would weaken her further, then finally the horrid owl would arrive, saving himself for last to assure his protection, and simply snuff out the phoenix and her power using the cardinal winds. This plan failed causing not only the three betrayers to split up and war with each other as well as the phoenix but causing the first human war, between the four tribes who had each build a temple to one of the beasts, as the other three had been lied to about who truly created mankind. this war lasted one hundred years, sending the four beasts into hibernation, and the tribes in to a dark state of unease that has lasted to this very day. Chapter 2 - The Tablet of Agarth (cards to go with story (http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/349107-agrath-the-kingdom-of-legends/)) It began with four elemental eggS, each destined for great power but it was the egg of Preservation, the embodiment of aLl that Is Earthen, that waS the most powerful of all, for from It would hatch a legendary creature and the savior of our kingdom. Back before names, before good and evil, and before time itself these elemental eggs were mysteriously formed. Each one hatched into a powerful creature that possessed the very essence of the four elements respectively. The creatures would live and die one thousand times before reaching their true form and thus would have one thousand names, far to many to say. There was the wisest one, an owl with the spirit of the wind, the one imbued with the most mystic energies, a phoenix with the light of all that is pure, the most intelligent one, a grand sea serpent that commanded the oceans, and the most powerful of all, a Tortoise who caused the very earth to shake with his bellowing voice. This is the tale of that legendary creature and how he was betrayed. The four beasts had been great friends ever since they were born, all four simultaneously, as the forces of nature bent to their will each one balanced out the other three and vice versa, it was this way until a fateful day no elder can recall, the leviathan suggested to the phoenix and owl, for it's intelligence had made it vain, that the three of them try to destroy the tortoise and distribute his power. The phoenix, for all it's mysticism it was the greediest of the four, agreed with the horrid serpent right away. It was the owl, whose wisdom is endless, that questioned the serpent at first "Is he not our brother? Why would we ever wish harm upon him, especially considering it would throw us three out of balance." Expecting the owl to question the leviathan fiendishly tricked him in saying in a sickly sweet tone "i understand your concern but that is why the powers of the earth and stone would be delegated between us, to keep balance." Then, coming up with the excuse on the spot she continued "besides have you not heard? The kingdom of Agarth has begun worshiping him above the three of us, even building a great Fortress of rare metals and gemstones in his honor, i fear if we do not act, soon he shall turn against us." This lie had been in some ways true, man kind had not simply appeared like the beasts had, they were created by them to live in the world they loved so. It was the Tortoise who had suggested it and created a prototype of sorts for the first man, using enchanted sands to shape the body he persuaded the wise owl to breathe the soul into it's form, the serpent to cleanse the body with its purifying waters, and the phoenix to create it beauty using a special multicolored flame fused with magic. After the humans had organized themselves into tribes the beasts went amongst their business, periodically visiting their creations but never revealing their origins, that is, until the tortoise, for he cared the most about us, came to our kingdom of Agarth, which is carved into the mountains themselves, and told our ruling council the truth. That he had come up with the idea to create us, and therefore was the true creator of all humans. it was then decided that a great castle would be build in our fathers honor where he could rest at the end and beginning of his reincarnations and that our ruling warlord would be appointed to guard the egg of preservation until it had hatched once more, as well as speak on behalf of the tortoise to direct the kingdom onto the correct path. After a long period of planning the three had decided exactly how to destroy the tortoise, first the owl requested that he come to his sacred library to discuss urgent business regarding humans, then once his powers were weakened by the powerful winds the phoenix would call for help in her volcanoes building barriers to prevent the lava from spreading, which would weaken him further, then finally the prideful serpent would arrive, saving herself for last to assure her protection, and simply drown the tortoise and his power by forcing him into her endless sea. This plan failed causing not only the three betrayers to split up and war with each other as well as the tortoise but causing the first human war, between the four tribes who had each build a temple to one of the beasts, as the other three had been lied to about who truly created mankind. this war lasted one hundred years, sending the four beasts into hibernation, and the tribes in to a dark state of unease that has lasted to this very day. Chapter 3 - The Meropian Grimoire (cards to go with story (http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/349852-meropia-legendary-city/)) It began with four elemental eggs, each destined for great power but it was the egg of Knowledge, the embodiment of all aquatic energies, that was the most powerful of all, for from it would Hatch a legendary creature and the saviOr of our city. Back before names, before good and eviL, and before time itself these elemental eggs were mysteriously formeD. Each one haTcHEd into a powerful creaTuRe that possessed the very essence of the foUr elemenTs respectively. THe creatures would live and die one thousand times before reaching their true form and thus would have one thousand names, far to many to say. There was the wisest one, an owl with the spirit of the wind, the one imbued with the most mystic energies, a phoenix with the light of all that is pure, the strongest one, a tortoise with the sturdiness of mountains, and the most powerful of all, a Leviathan who that commanded the oceans and seas. This is the tale of that legendary creature and how she was betrayed. The four beasts had been great friends ever since they were born, all four simultaneously, as the forces of nature bent to their will each one balanced out the other three and vice versa, it was this way until a fateful day no elder can recall, the Tortoise suggested to the phoenix and owl, for it's strength had made it arrogant, that the three of them try to destroy the serpent and distribute her power. The owl, for all it's wisdom it was the easiest to deceive of the four, agreed with the foolish tortoise right away. It was the phoenix, whose magic was the strongest, that questioned the tortoise at first "Is she not our sibling? Why would we ever wish harm upon her, especially considering it would throw us three out of balance." Expecting the phoenix to question the tortoise easily tricked her in saying in a sickly sweet tone "i understand your concern but that is why the powers of the seas and it's inhabitants would be delegated between us, to keep balance." Then, coming up with the excuse on the spot he continued "besides have you not heard? The futuristic island of Meropia has begun worshiping her above the three of us, even building an underwater city of glass and lightning in her honor, i fear if we do not act, soon she shall turn against us." This lie had been in some ways true, mankind had not simply appeared like the beasts had, they were created by them to live in the world they loved so. It was the serpent who had suggested it and created a prototype of sorts for the first man, using seashells to shape the body she persuaded the wise owl to breathe the soul into it's form, the tortoise to make the body strong with metals and crystals, and the phoenix to create it beauty using a special multicolored flame fused with magic. After the humans had organized themselves into tribes the beasts went amongst their business, periodically visiting their creations but never revealing their origins, that is, until the leviathan, for he cared the most about us, came to our island, which is the most technologically advanced, and told our ruling council the truth. That she had come up with the idea to create us, and therefore was the true creator of all humans. it was then decided that an amazing city under the her oceans would be build in our mothers honor where she could rest at the end and beginning of her reincarnations and that the queen of the sea nymphs would be appointed to guard the egg of knowledge until it had hatched once more, as well as speak on behalf of the serpent to direct the people onto the correct path. After a long period of planning the three had decided exactly how to destroy the leviathan, first the phoenix begged she assist her in protecting humans from an erupting volcano, then once her powers were weakened by the intense heat the owl would ask for help to catalog different species of amphibians, which would weaken her further from the strong winds at his library, then finally the tortoise would arrive, saving himself for last to assure his protection, and simply bury the serpent in an avalanche, entombing her within the mountains. This plan failed causing not only the three betrayers to split up and war with each other as well as the leviathan but causing the first human war, between the four tribes who had each build a temple to one of the beasts, as the other three had been lied to about who truly created mankind. this war lasted one hundred years, sending the four beasts into hibernation, and the tribes in to a dark state of unease that has lasted to this very day. 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0PxPz0 Posted March 13, 2016 Author Report Share Posted March 13, 2016 bump Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0PxPz0 Posted March 31, 2016 Author Report Share Posted March 31, 2016 bump Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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