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Bashing rocks together hoping to invent fire [Shaddroid HEROsworn..?]

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I'm not sure what I am seeing here, nor do I like what you're trying, because there is so much going on here.


I don't like the blind milling with Raiden working with the D-Heroes here. I always cringe at the fear of milling 2 Malicious, and it costs an NS anywho. Arma and Grepher do the job faster with Plague, and Plague is best used with Zombies to avoid the topdeck -1. the Speedroid engine being used in other builds is only best used for getting insta Rank-3s. Using Taketomborg will hinder all your other plays. Usually x2 Terrortop and x2 Taketomborg with 1-2 Tri Eyed Dice is fine enough to use for Rank 3 summons. The Shaddolls are pretty iffy though. You don't have a lot, yet you run 3 Shaddoll Fusions, which are bound to clog. You could mill Malicious or Plague with Shaddoll Fusion, and have it be used with Dude, but I don't like it too much, personally.


IMO cut either the Shaddoll Engine or Speedroid one. I'm leaning more towards Speedroids, since you can focus more on Xyz staples and Fusions. You could cut Raidens and balance the Speedroid engine though, to make things less messy. Regardless of what you cut, you need space for your S/Ts and Extra so you can boost your consistency. There will be a lot of conflicting things in an opening hand if you don't change, I can tell.


For general tips, Instant Fusion is a must, and probably Soul Charge to get things like Beelze, Omega and Dark Law on board. You should run more Mask Changes, since the HERO engine is the better engine here.

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