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Yet Another Legacy of the Duelist thread

Astro Dude

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Okay, I already said I got Legacy of the Dueist, and talked about the duels that should be in it. But maybe I should elaborate more on it.


The game overall is great. A few things:


1. I had no idea players can have field spell cards... okay, elaboration time. In the game when field spells are played... okay, when an opponent plays a field spell when you have a field spell, your field spell is sent to the grave yard. Here, your field spell on your side, his/her field spell on his/her side. Is this a new rule or something?


2. I like how Single Player can allow you to use otherwise banned cards like Thousand-Eyes Restrict, Sangan, WotBF, etc. And I can understand how Multiplayer would follow ban list rules. kudos to that.


3. Okay, this might get everyone into a tissy fit but, card artwork. Why could they not have an option to change artwork for most cards. You know, like the anime art.


4. More story duels. For more info go here:




5. Voice cast. I can't imagine it being hard to include voice clips from the dubbed version of the anime. I mean the dialogue for pre and post duels is pretty much the same. I mean, can you imagine trying to play this game, reading the dialogue with the character's talking. Okay, allow me to explain:


Imagine if you would starting up the game, going through the first duel of the original series, then go on your computer, go to a video of Yugioh season 1 episode 1 dubbed and go through the dialogue as the character's talk. That would be awesome.


Anyway, it's pretty good. I'm already trying to gather the cards to complete Legendary Blue-Eyes and Exodia Obliterate. That reminds me... There's something I have to do in the deck thread. Anyway, tell me what you think of this game, now that it's been out for a while.

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