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Writing Tone


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Can you tell this is bugging me?

Anyway. Discuss tone while writing. How do you get your tone across, what tone do you read written posts in generally, that sort of thing.


For those who don't know, doing this cause I seem to be crap at expressing the correct tone for my own thoughts, despite being able to write it for characters. So I'm curious what people think of writing tone, and maybe it can help me figure all this out.

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Tone in text is really hard, like really really hard, and I often type something out and then delete it or rethink it because I'm like "Crap, they might take that the wrong way"

Like, say I'm arguing/debating/whatever with someone and they make a point that wasn't clear to me, like I just want them to clarify or something. In real life, I'd probably go "Like what?" in an alright tone and it would be okay, but I really cannot do that in just text because it might come across as me being arrogant and going "Pfff, like what, you simpleton?" So I actually have to write out "I'm not being a dick, I'm legitimately curious."


For the most part, I think it lies a lot in the words you're using. If I'm joking, I try to make it as apparent as possible by being pretty absurd or say stuff in a manner that's like "Nobody who's being serious would talk like that", while being in more serious non-casual settings I just gotta really tiptoe around what words I'm using. But also for joking, I try to keep it pretty friendly usually as well.

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Funnily enough, YCM seems to be where I am least sure of how I come across because I don't get acknowledged for what I write nearly as often as when I share a story or draw a comic strip (for school or peers). In those cases, I tend to have an idea for a certain voice which I'm usually able to achieve without problem (oftentimes even easier than how I'd communicate the same thing through speech).


Here, due to my paranoia of revealing anything about myself online, I feel like I come across as aloof more than anything else.


...However, I'm getting off track. The short answer is: No, normally I have no issue communicating tone through writing.

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i type like this for either the "no sheet", "are you funking kidding me", or "haha" posts, timing is what helps you tell these apart


Otherwise, proper punctuation, spacing, capitalization, and so on.


xD is reserved for actually funny stuff, as using it to cut tension is rather... shallow.


Other than that, it comes down to wording. I try to not sound too aggressive, so I rewrite segments, but still doesn't always work.

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I think a difficult part of tone is it can vary to everyone due to the circumstance surrounding. For instance.

xD is reserved for actually funny stuff, as using it to cut tension is rather... shallow.


Other than that, it comes down to wording. I try to not sound too aggressive, so I rewrite segments, but still doesn't always work.

The first part sounds somewhat like a pointed remark about myself, due to recent circumstance, to me.

Despite that the second part is clearly saying that you don't want to sound aggressive. Hence why I know it's not.

I suppose many can be victim to similar misunderstandings due to circumstance. Wonder if there's a way to be neutral regardless of circumstances.


Honestly I just type whatever I want however I want and hope that nobody will interpret it wrong because that always just funking sucks

Is what I do, most of the time. I get legitimately confused when someone interprets things a different way cause whenever I read it I am thinking "But wait, I meant it like this, wasn't that clear?" Which is bad, but it's hard to break the idea that "Just say things how you feel it should be said" can be misunderstood by those who don't share your way of thinking.


I've noticed I kinda have an unconventional way of thinking in regards to this at times.


Also if it's not obvious by now. This is a big part of why I continue discussions and arguments past what I probably should. Because I can't help but think "sheet maybe I'm saying it wrong, maybe if I say it like this?"

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Nah, just like my status, the xD comment is in general. If include lol, but barring the exaggerated LOL or the "what the funk are you talking about lol", which is when someone is in a tizzy at me in unwarranted "moral high ground", I don't use it.


People use these to try to cut tension, or seem more personable, but it really does come across shallow if not applied properly. Toot's another member who used lol like this. It's not a specific remark, just a general one. The fact that you're the OP just makes it all the more important to clarify, considering why you're hung up on it.

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Depends on context (if I'm writing normal posts like this, or doing mod stuff), but I generally use proper punctuation and all that other stuff for the most part.

Think the only time I won't is likely with parenthesized stuff (as side comments or some other things).


I don't bother with the emotes, though I tend to use =) and something else during intros. 

That, and LOL/whatever (I use that for chat convos elsewhere, but not here)

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Also if it's not obvious by now. This is a big part of why I continue discussions and arguments past what I probably should. Because I can't help but think "s*** maybe I'm saying it wrong, maybe if I say it like this?"

Funny thing about continually responding is that even if one wanted to post again just for clarification, if the other person isn't particularly open, they will most likely think that the initial person is being argumentative and merely wants the "satisfaction" of getting the last word in. I don't believe this is the initial person's intention (I can totally understand that it wasn't what you were going for, Cowcow), but it tends to come across that way, especially when written.


[spoiler On the Nature of Disagreements]

What's worse is that "dropping it" becomes the mantra when people can observe said argument. "Dropping it" is really the lazy way out. A person should be entitled to be able to explain their own opinion, especially if they are not doing it in a manner that fosters hostility. By "dropping it" (despite making those in the argument feel like they are taking the moral "high road") ultimately, it spawns naught but ignorance and may very well be the cause of another argument further down the line.


If a misunderstanding blows into an argument and if both persons are open-minded, there should logically be only a few outcomes:

1) One person actually is right (this should only occur in fact-based disagreements)

2) Neither are right (which might actually lead into another outcome. See 4)

3) Both figure out they are arguing on the same side (yes, sounds ridiculous, but happens all too often)

4) Agree to disagree (this, imho, is the moral high road outcome. However, it should be reached when both sides listen and consider the others' POV first. Can spawn from the "2" outcome)

5) One converts to the other's idea (this is basically the "1" outcome, but in a less fact-driven argument)




(Sorry if I'm sounding all philosophical n' junk. Editing a doctoral dissertation does that to you...)

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i do all of my posts when i'm not being serious like this


And when I'm being serious like this. usually works, but sometimes doesn't. helps that no punctuation/capitalization makes you seem more relaxed/casual/laid-back


Pretty much, but I tend to drop the formalities more so because of my title in the sense that if I'm not lax I just come off as a pompous funk like some of my cohorts. Plus I feel like people just appreciate it more when "authority" isn't authoritative by default. Though it helps that I just don't give that many fucks to begin with. 


Someone actually said that I lack the professionalism of a mod, not in distaste of course but I still found it funking hilarious. But that's kind of always been the point, I'm not one to demand respect or even expect it. If such a thing even exists over the internet I'd rather achieve it genuinely. I've always been vulgar, blunt, and just generally easy-going, if that makes me unprofessional in the eyes of some people then so be it. I made a conscious choice not to change over something as trivial as a forum position, that's just not me. 


Though, ask anyone who has seen me moderate and they'll tell you I'm pretty funking professional. 

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In personal writing, tone is weird, because people end up taking different ways of writing things different ways, depending on how they see it. For example, when I SAY something like that, it might come across as when I say something like that. Personally, both ways of writing that have the same emphasis, but with differing volumes, but I digress.


In character writing, like stories, whether or not it's difficult or easy to discern depends on how you write. For example, a lot of people write with "said" and it's many, many siblings. In writing like that, it's a little easier to get tone across, just because the words spoken themselves don't have to get it across by themselves, only having to do part of the work.


But, unfortunately, this sort of thing is hard for me to define, because I never have. I just sort of feel, and know.

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I appreciate the struggle. 


Mercury is debilitated in Pisces which is also dual sign with water element. This water element completely dilutes the analytical intellect of Mercury in a whirlpool of misplaced emotions and impractical ideas. People with debilitated Mercury are not exactly fools but are confused. They are enthusiastic but not always wisely so. Debilitated Mercury can make a person lack in boundaries. They are moved by sentiments which are not genuine and when frustrated can suffer from self pity. They can be amorphous, hard to pin down and often appear in whatever way is necessary to please or placate others or they make commitments without any intention of fulfilling them. They just respond to the influence of the moment.



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I actually can usually discern people's tones on here correctly, most of the time. I think a lot of it has to do with knowing who the members are since I've seen some convos that would be confusing to someone who's not integrated into YCM's culture.

Language and context are huge factors too. Whenever I see arguments break out, it's usually because one of the parties feels personally attacked or they feel conjoined with their argument to the extent that people tearing into their argument is tearing into them. Using "you" in these situations can lead to trouble. But even when people avoid using confrontational language, I've seen people interpret it the wrong way.


For me, I hate arguing. So if I make a post that I feel will incite or offend people, I'll try throwing in "I think" or "to me" to ensure people won't at least feel antagonized on their opinion being affronted.

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For me, I hate arguing. So if I make a post that I feel will incite or offend people, I'll try throwing in "I think" or "to me" to ensure people won't at least feel antagonized on their opinion being affronted.


It annoys me that this is something you have to do, as if you don't people seem to think that you're purporting what is clearly your opinion as fact, and I don't understand why people choose to interpret things that way.

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I'm not too anal about the tone of my posts. If someone takes it the wrong way and retaliates, I just say it was a misunderstanding.


Though sometimes when people don't take me seriously when I'm being serious, that's when it gets frustrating. Usually when I'm serious, though, I'll word it in a way that makes people understand, but like Black said, it's all about timing.

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Tone in text is something I feel I'm better at than others, it can either be super easy or super difficult. Tone is virtually every aspect of writing, but it's about stepping into the shoes of your character and seeing, and feeling how he/she is. Writing as your character, in first person or third, if you understand who they are, tone should come fairly naturally. When people write dry, as themselves, telling a story, the tone tends to remain unchanged so it can be jarring, writing is an art and they're usually emotional, right~ Using music you associate with them helps for me.  

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