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[TCG] Yosenju


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Thunder King shuts down other decks to the point it can win on its own; you don't need the searching, and if you are going to search you do it before you summon him.


Training Grounds can't be searched, sucks when you draw into multiples, and is basically useless the first turn unless you open 3 Yosenju turn 1, which is not going to happen as often as you would like.


Typhoon is so much better than MST due to the fact that you can respond to PePe/Majespecter turn 1 plays. It also has practical use outside of PePe, being a slightly more restricted MST that forces you to play smart and save it for situations where you can pop a CotH, Abyss-Sphere, etc. Being a trap also helps avoid Naturia Beast.

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