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Quillbolt Hedgehog

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If this card is in your Graveyard: You can Special Summon this card, but banish it when it leaves the field. You must control a Tuner monster to activate and to resolve this effect.


So, I recently discovered the joys of a looping hedgehog. This card in tandem with either Shapesister or Plaguespreader in a Burgesstoma Deck can make a field of Rank 2s from nearly nothing. I know it has other uses for synchros and what not, so let's disscuss this card as a whole. 


Thoughts about our little metal sonic-esque friend?

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I mean, R7 is pretty damn good. Really, each rank has some very solid monsters, they just don't have as many solid monsters since R4 has a ridiculous amount of members.

eh, rank 7 has Big Eye and REFMD, with Dracossack being kinda creeped.


Rank 3 has good removal.


Rank 5 is solid, but not build around, unless you fill a certain niche.


Rank 8 is gr8.


Rank 6 is fine.

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I mean, R7 is pretty damn good. Really, each rank has some very solid monsters, they just don't have as many solid monsters since R4 has a ridiculous amount of members.

Which doesn't refute what I said in any way.







UTL technically counts


Rank 4 has way more toys and the effects they get to play with are stronger than other ranks. Castel effectively prevents bosses from being worthwhile just by existing.

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Didn't they do the same with Level 8 and Synchro Monsters?

Sort of, but at least other levels did get something. 7 had BRD, DSF, ASW and such, 5 had Catastor and Hyper Librarian, 6 had Brio and Goyo, 9 had Trish.


With Synchros it felt at least like the other Levels did stuff 8s didn't. Rank 4s do basically everything.

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The above video exacerbates the logical flaw pointed out by Winter regarding Xyz: Xyz Materials can manage to be on the field, then later not be on the field, without ever "leaving the field". (Granted, that ruling was probably done to avoid breaking Tengu and Sangan, but the banlist does exist for a reason, as Sangan already learned.)
Personally, I think these types of cards probably should have just had a "once per Duel" clause rather than their banish clause since it seems like that was the full intent of making them become banished when used for Synchro Material. (Plaguespreader "inadvertedly" got another drawback in that being banished wouldn't allow it to be revived by Zombie support, but I'm fairly certain that didn't cross Konami's mind at all during the process of making it.) Konami, naturally, didn't think of ALL their previous designs when designing Xyz and it resulted in this abusive dodging of drawbacks for essentially free summons from grave for R2 Xyzing.

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Well I mean, Quillbolt is awkward and situational, while plaguespreader is very much not free to summon. Additionally, chain dog aside, pretty much all of the sort of cards are better used for synchro shenanigans anyway, so I am fine with something being "abusive" if the end result is docile as funk.
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