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Silver Salt Magician [anime]

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lv 1


Cannot be destroyed by battle. At the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles an opponent's face-up monster: You can make this card's ATK become equal to the ATK of the opponent's monster it is battling.




leira played this

please discuss


okay its actually called Film Magician i didnt see the wiki edit until after i posted this

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It kills Magnus, Summoned God Exodia, Ultimate Falcon, Towers, Vennominaga, Star Eater... not that those are all relevant or anything but I mean this really is quite useful because apart from Armades effects nothing can kill it in battle and it can take down absolutely anything else, while also being Light so Honest can do things with it. And as mentioned a One for One target. If it were a tuner it would be even better.

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