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I'm not entirely sure how well this will carry over to TCG, but based on the "meta" bans, ie, cards that really didn't deserve the ban, but were too meta dominant and thus got hit, OCG has had a 1.25 year policy on their unbans. Examples?


Wind-Up Zenmaity 


Banned March 1st 2013- Unbanned April 2014 


Trishula Dragon of the Ice Barrier


Banned March 1st 2012 - Unbanned September 1st 2014 


It typically works out to taking one full year, ei, 4 lists, and then being unbanned on the list afterwards.


The reason why I bring this up is:


El- Shaddoll Construct 


Banned April 1st 2015-

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If this is true, I sure hope they "CONSTRUCT" the next banlist with this in mind. I really liked Shaddolls while they were a thing.

There's also the very popular theory that the January and July lists are only used to put down tier 0 decks in a sort of emergency banlist type of deal.


Having 3 month formats is rather unpopular in OCG as it confuses the players. Don't like the idea, but it what it is. Construct has a great chance next list or the one after that

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