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Non-Destruction Removal

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Sorry if this is in the wrong spot. If so, please move it accordingly, mods.


Anyways, the subject of this thread is general non-destruction removal, such as spinning, bouncing, and banishing.


Personally, I find it ABSURDLY annoying when I bring out an effect destruction immune monster such as, say, Tiras, Keeper of Genesis, just for it to get Castel'd or Silent Honor ARK Knight'd.


What are you guys' thoughts on it? Love it? Hate it? Both, maybe?



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I think that it's necessary for the game. If there were no such things, "Cannot be destroyed" would be a win condition itself. When you consider the current meta, Kozmo spaceships float when destroyed and Magespecters can't be destroyed, so options like Castel or ARK keep them from being broken by not destroying them.

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It's only ridiculous when the card in question does it way to absurdly well, namely, non-targeting removal. Granted, Tiaramisu is probably the biggest overall offender for this sort of effect, since at the barest cost she spins 2 cards while being non-targeting at the same time. Doesn't help with the absurd synergy she gets from Chateau. The others? They're typically much more fair.


Ah, Ego... all spaceships except for Sliprider can't be targeted, so 101 and Castel are useless against them anyways.

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It's only ridiculous when the card in question does it way to absurdly well, namely, non-targeting removal. Granted, Tiaramisu is probably the biggest overall offender for this sort of effect, since at the barest cost she spins 2 cards while being non-targeting at the same time. Doesn't help with the absurd synergy she gets from Chateau. The others? They're typically much more fair.


Ah, Ego... all spaceships except for Sliprider can't be targeted, so 101 and Castel are useless against them anyways.

My example of Kozmo may not of been the best, but I think my point is still valid.
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Spinning is when a card goes from the field or hand back to the deck.


Maybe Ego, but, 101 only works on SSed monsters, and I don't think Maje SS all that much, except later into the duel. And even if they do, the small legion of anti-monster backrow they have wouldn't let you get far enough to activate 101 or Castel anyways.

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I think that it's necessary for the game. If there were no such things, "Cannot be destroyed" would be a win condition itself. When you consider the current meta, Kozmo spaceships float when destroyed and Magespecters can't be destroyed, so options like Castel or ARK keep them from being broken by not destroying them.

Both of those target; not sure if anyone remembers, but Majespecter monsters cannot be targeted, either. And to an extension, neither can the Machine-Type Kozmo monsters.
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Both of those target; not sure if anyone remembers, but Majespecter monsters cannot be targeted, either. And to an extension, neither can the Machine-Type Kozmo monsters.

From what I understand, people are more concerned with Majespecters not being able to be destroyed. Haven't seen them go off, but that's what I've been told.

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