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Anime Reviewers on YouTube

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This is a topic to discuss the many anime reviewers on YouTube. My favorites are Glass Reflection and BakaShift. I'm a bit mixed on Bobsamurai. Forneverworld and Double4anime lost my respect awhile ago, but I still watch them on occasion. Gigguk isn't active much anymore, so I haven't watched him in ages. What are your favorite anime reviewers on YouTube? Discuss away.

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my favorite is forneverworld (hate incoming on me b4, i know it ), been watching the guy since a long time from the time when people outright dissed him to the point he is one of the best on the circuit. Sure, he gets a bit boring and corny at times but he is genuinely hilarious. There are many better than him out there but i generally see and prefer him.

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The only ones I find to be bearable are demo d and grumpy jii-san. jii-san is just too badass and demo's shitty jokes are my type of shitty jokes. other than that i don't really care for anime reviews, on youtube or not.


A friend of mine ironically follows GR so I at least recognize him. i generally find the GR guy annoying as hell and lost all of my non-existent respect for him when the dude said .hack/SIGN needed more fanservice. That said, some dude told me he thought the UBW 2014 anime was only okay and I guess sometimes I agree with him.

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The only one I really watched was GR Arkada, but stopped as I just started finding reviews to get boring. I started watching them to see if they would catch my interest but the way they are reviewed take away all interest I had, even if nothing really had been said about the plot.

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The only ones I've really watched are GRArkada, Gigguk and Demolition D. The crying shame is that the last two are pretty inactive.

I like GR just because he really outlines his thought process and goes into nitty-gritty details during his analysis. Even if I may not necessarily agree or feel the same way, I can always appreciate his insight because he explains it so well and I can understand where he's coming from.

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