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Radiant Divine Bird Vene

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eM5zd2j.jpg輝神鳥ヴェーヌ Radiant Divine Bird Vene
Level 8 LIGHT Fairy-Type Ritual Effect Monster
ATK 2400
DEF 2000
You can Ritual Summon this card with "???". Once per turn: You can reveal 1 monster in your hand, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; this turn, that target's Level becomes the revealed monster's. Once per turn, if another monster(s) in your hand or your side of the field is Tributed: You can target 1 monster in your Graveyard; add it to your hand.




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"(1): Once per turn: You can reveal 1 monster in your opponent" - What is this supposed to say? Reveal 1 in your hand to them?


Anyway. Interesting enough. Can't really think of any ritual deck that wants names on the board but the ability to grab things back is nice. Presumably it's going to be searchable with Pre-Prep so that's a plus point, but actually looking at it it seems a bit crap now. Hieratics maybe but why would they he using rituals. Hmm.

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If there's pendulumns too... ;)




after trying it in tandem with OE Gravity Dragon, it's not good.


It's a card that requires pendulums... but isn't a Pendulum. It's not searchable, it's not archetypal, it's not a beater. It's just dead weight.


Manju is better, even with needing an NS.

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You really want Indiana Jones Indra to go on a search expedition :p org is cool, i'll find my way.

maaaybe yes, but after you "really know" who's in charge/running that site . . . i don't think you would say that again.


welp i was thinking this card with amorphage somehow . . . welp yes too slow. i don't think hieratics need something like this so yea, PureRitual.dek might works.

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