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Remaining Premium Pack 18 cards [Phantom Knights, Junk, Monarchs, and more]

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"It's bad because you can't search it" is kind of a poor argument. Are all cards we can't search pretty bad, then?

It's... Really not, in context. Monarchs are a somewhat fragile deck that run a ton of searchable cards. The searchable cards are what keep them moving.


And this is a trap. It's a slow and inconsistent Call of the Haunted type card, but has some additional uses.


So let's look at another deck; Pepe.


That deck doesn't really run many unsearchable cards, if any. A card has to be extremely good to warrant a space there, I'd it isn't searchable.


While it is wrong to 100% disregard unsearchable cards, it's a slow, dead-ish draw that doesn't do enough. And that's the point of search ability lack making it meh.

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Fair enough. I mean, at the very least the benefits of this card are being able to revive cards and achieve their full effects during your opponent's turn, as opposed to what Call of the Haunted can do. You CAN use it to revive Majesty's Fiend, but the applications of this are a little more limited. It's actually pretty effective (in theory, at least) to use this to revive Caius or Aither, and that can prove to be a very effective play. So yeah, it is slow and more inconsistent than the other cards, but it does help in the fragility in the least by offering different avenues to disrupt your opponent while benefiting yourself. It's not strictly bad just because you can't search it.

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Wait, so are Manga OEPD and Titanic Moth in the pack? Or is this it?


OT: I like No.37 and 38. 37 because I loved those old Shark Deck days. And 38 because it looks sexy, would love to test it. Moon King feels iffy, but me and Tomb Shield are gonna get along just fine.

i said need not apply


as in they didn't make the cut

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Q: The first effect of Number 38: Titanic Galaxy is chained to the activation of Mystical Space Typhoon. If Compulsory Evacuation Device is further chained, so that Number 38: Titanic Galaxy is no longer on the field, how does its effect resolve?

A: In this scenario, since the part of the effect that negates the activated Spell effect resolves normally, the effect of Mystical Space Typhoon is negated. At this time, since Number 38: Titanic Galaxy is no longer on the field, the part of the effect that attaches the Spell Card to it as Xyz Material is not applied. (Mystical Space Typhoon is sent to the Graveyard.)


Galaxy can negate any Spells, so is this why Konami said blue eyes would be tier 1?


Furthermore I see Monarchs moving from the Dominion lock build to Zaborg. You can still use dominion for the 8->6 change IIRC, but now the mirrors are less of a who resolves Idea first game


Rescue Pals might need to up the Exciton 2 and more Notice in the Ariadne builds

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I don't see how you have to make main deck concessions when you already have an answer to Titanic in your engine via Utopia the Lightning/Castel.

Because Pals are moving back to MST from twin twister so running cards like THRO are bad in the main or side. So side the 3rd notice. Also the r4nk pool is meh without Ptolo and shock so running second Exciton, the best legal r4nk isn't and awful idea


UTL ok, but you do realize they'll likely azure lock the Titanic? Question then is kill the card that will make titanic again or kill titanic


This really helps BEWD matchups a lot!

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