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[MTG] Nissa, Voice of Zendikar

Flame Dragon

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I feel like Nissa should get her own thread since she seems really interesting and I'm curious how good she'll end up being.


As I said in the other thread, I wasn't a fan, but the more I think about her the more I like her. She doesn't scream power like a lot of other planeswalkers, but being 3 is huge. She makes things to protect herself and can grow your team which is all you really need. In token based decks she is likely to be a house. That said, 0/1s are lackluster (1/1s would likely have been too good though) and the -2 has been seen on two different Ajanis so it doesn't feel exciting. I think its going to be great in standard at the very least.

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She's "Nissa, Avenger of Zendikar".


The fact that they're 0/1 Plants makes things slightly underwhelming. I wait with bated breath for other things that could synergize.


I honestly think we COULD get a 3 mana walker that +1 makes 1/1s. We have +1s at 4 making 1/1 lifelinks and +0s making 2/2s with haste. Though the power would need to come out of the - ability though.


Seems great in the new Ezuri commander deck. Any deck that likes having things to sac will like her, so Golgari/Jund color deck south to enjoy her as well. Think of her in Mazirek.

O god, this is insane in Ezuri. Yea, I think in Innistrad having 0/1s around to eat will be important.

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As I already said, she'll be a lock for a deck like Ezuri which already wants a bunch of +1/+1 counters on things. Past that token based EDH decks are likely to consider her at the very least. I know I'm going to consider her for my Naya tokens deck and try to get her into my Elf deck simply for flavor reasons.

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I mean, she is certainly good in Ezuri, but I don't think of it as any sort of "OMG match made in heaven nizuri best ship 2016".


Where I think she really shines is in an ACTUAL elf deck, rather than a commander more apt for pumping singular creatures.

Agree she is likely better in decks that like to go wide. Though since so many of the cards in an Ezuri deck want counters she is still likely really strong. It also gives the deck an anthem like effect that doesn't turn off Ezuri.

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I think I understand what this card's flavor is for the tokens


A long time ago in the uncharted realms, Nissa encountered a vampire who had a gift for her. The gift was of all the seeds of plants that had been destroyed by the Eldrazi's presence. The Vampire urged her to planeswalk away, and plant them on another world to give these plants a new life on another world, but Nissa promised herself she wouldn't do that, and she would hold onto those plants until the eldrazi were gone, and then she would plant them on an Eldrazi-free Zendikar.

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