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Star Wars Ranking(s) and Favorite Moments

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1. Empire Strikes Back

2/3. A New Hope/Revenge of the Sith (largely depends on the day)

4. Return of the Jedi

5. Attack of the Clones

6. Phantom Menace


Is pretty much how it goes for me. I'll let someone else take the scene's from Empire and Jedi, personally this one is my 2nd favorite after the obv one from Empire.



Anyway reasoning behind that scene was a primary criticism of Sith is Anakin's Volte-face, but I feel this scene pretty much explains why he did what he did in not words but emotion.

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I'd say Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones often switch spots for their own reason. Attack has some of the WORST dialogue in the entire series, while Menace has this odd mix of CGI and practical effects that's like Lucas Films just wasn't sure what they wanted to do with the movie and it just doesn't blend very well; not to mention the more obvious flaws.

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Considering it's been months since I last marathoned the films, I'll see where each movie places, but for now:


1. Empire Strikes Back

2. Return of the Jedi

3. Revenge of the Sith

4. Phantom Menace

5. A New Hope

6. Attack of the Clones


Now, as far as moments:


1. Return of the Jedi: Vader + Emperor vs. Luke

2. Empire Strikes Back: Vader vs. Luke

3. Empire Strikes Back: "I love you." "I know."

4. Revenge of the Sith: Obi-Wan vs. Anakin / Yoda vs. Emperor

5. Phantom Menace: Jin + Obi-Wan vs. Maul

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Personally, I know I'm an oddball for this: I never liked Empire. Easily my least favorite SW film. The pacing was awkward, it was clunky, and I personally feel it was the glass bead in the jewel room. Not bad . . . just meh.


That said:

1. Revenge of the Sith (oh yes, put this on rewatch)

2. Return of the Jedi (very good, Lucas. Bravo.)

3. A New Hope (starting off the series on a high note)

4. Attack of the Clones (some awkward dialogue, but really good pacing and one of the greatest action scenes in the series to make up for it)

5. Phantom Menace (gripes about Jar Jar and kid Anakin aside, you've gotta admit Podracing was cool, and "Duel of the Fates" is the greatest song in the series, bar none)

6. Empire Strikes Back (I just . . . can't find much good to say. There's no payoff, literally nothing is satisfying)

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1. A New hope - less mistakes imo, sets the stage well

2. ROTS - some moving sences, Anikins dialogue ugh, similar prob w/ sidious. Made up previous prequel fails.

3. Empire Strikes Back - Lando is probs my fav of the trilogy, cliffhanger,

4. Clones - Some dialogue cringe, Jango was chill.

5. ROTJ-pacing a tad weird, Boba was canned in an embarrassing fashion, emps lost embarrassingly too.

6. Menace - It had Liam Nesson and Sam Jackson. Why complain? And Maul...


Yoda vs Sidous was one of those scenes people didn't see coming. Seemed like the works of fan fiction before that. Even if Yoda lost was still great.

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My list (from most favorite to least favorite movie):

1) Revenge of the Sith

2) Attack of the Clones

3) The Phantom Menace

4) A new Hope/ Clone Wars movie

5) Return of the Jedi

6) Empire strikes Back

7) Holiday special ("beautiful" movie everyone should watch before judging/bashing the other movies and Jar jar; the holiday special is so "great" that even Lucas and everyone involved wanted it to be forgotten).

I can't say anything on Force Awakens as I haven't watched it yet, so its not fair to judge it yet.


My favorite moments from the 7 live action films have to be (no particular order):

 -Anakin/Obi-wans final duel on Mustafar

 -Battle of Geonosis from AOTC

 -Battle of Corusant (just beautiful and visually stunning)

 -Clone forces on Corusant (from AOTC. I find it quite memorable and awesome. Looks better than the Imperial stormtrooper gathering seen in the  Force Awakens Trailer)

 -Order 66 montage

 -Darth Maul duel with Obi and Qui-gun

 -Death star battle from ANH

 -Jar Jar giving Palpatine supreme/emergency powers (come on, this scene is too funny. Thanks to Jar Jar's stupidity and ignorance, Palpatine gets     enough power and support to start his empire, haha)

 -Palpatines reformation of the Republic into an Empire (very strong speech)

 -many other scenes.


I don't care what others say, but I like the whole saga.

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