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Ultimaya Tzolkin

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Ultimaya Tzolkin


0 ATK / 0 DEF

(This card's original Level is always treated as 12.)
Cannot be Synchro Summoned. Must be Special Summoned (from yourExtra Deck) by sending 2 Level 5 or higher monsters you control with the same Level to the Graveyard (1 Tuner and 1 non-Tuner), and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Once per turn, when aSpell/Trap Card(s) is Set on your side of the field (except during theDamage Step): You can Special Summon 1 "Power ToolSynchro Monster or 1 Level 7 or 8 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster from yourExtra Deck. Cannot be targeted for attacks or by card effects, while you control another Synchro Monster.




Well, topics must have been made but bringing this up because this card is my absolute favorite and probably the best gimmick deck boss i have come across.

So, what do you guys think of this card ? 

The engines this guy runs best on are hieratics (tried and tested) and monarchs as well (thanks winter), any other engine this guy can be pumped with ?

Also, what do you guys think about the change in the versatility of this card and will it see more play now that it will have crystal wing in it's arsenal ?

and with so many extra deck targets and crystal wing will become the main one i think after SHVI lands, do you guys think that extra deck weight is too big a factor in ultimaya ?

and lastly when you drop ultimaya on your first turn, which monster is the best ideal target to spam turn 1 ?



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....This card needs another means of being played.


Hieratics + Draw cards is janky as f***.

try monarch or hieratic monarch..............or if you manage to find a new way, be sure to share your secret bruh xd 

wait.....can't infernoids summon this thing ? i dunno since ultimaya needs a dedicated deck catering to it rather then being a second line finisher tactic

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try monarch or hieratic monarch..............or if you manage to find a new way, be sure to share your secret bruh xd


Monarchs, realistically, won't run Tuners.

Hieratic Monarchs is basically Hieratics + 3x Caius.


Thing is.... This card could very easily dominate the game because of what it's capable of doing. But again, the problem is the fact Hieratics are the only thing that would play it, but at the same time Hieratics, as a whole, are janky as funk because the Deck basically auto-loses unless it draws Tefnuit. They can play the one you Normal Summon at 1000ATK, sure, but that one is useless without Su(w/e); I.E. It's gimmicky.

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Monarchs, realistically, won't run Tuners.

Hieratic Monarchs is basically Hieratics + 3x Caius.


Thing is.... This card could very easily dominate the game because of what it's capable of doing. But again, the problem is the fact Hieratics are the only thing that would play it, but at the same time Hieratics, as a whole, are janky as f*** because the Deck basically auto-loses unless it draws Tefnuit. They can play the one you Normal Summon at 1000ATK, sure, but that one is useless without Su(w/e); I.E. It's gimmicky.

ultimaya as a whole is quite gimmicky my friend and this card would definitely become a top tier threat, it just needs a reliable engine but right now i dunno, the hieratic version works fine for me, tefnuit is a prob but it's also searchable and once you drop this, you also need the back row to be cleared lol.

Solemn'd ultimaya hurts straight in the heart.

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Monarchs, realistically, won't run Tuners.

Hieratic Monarchs is basically Hieratics + 3x Caius.


Errr no. It's the current monarch deck + maybe 4-5 hieratics.


So like: Dominion use the level reduction effect on Aither, SS Tefnuit. Tribute Summon Aither then SS Kuraz, POP KURAZ AND DOMINION, SS Labrodorite.
Sounds like a super duper meme deck to me :^)
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Errr no. It's the current monarch deck + maybe 4-5 hieratics.


So like: Dominion use the level reduction effect on Aither, SS Tefnuit. Tribute Summon Aither then SS Kuraz, POP KURAZ AND DOMINION, SS Labrodorite.
Sounds like a super duper meme deck to me :^)


aye winter........... i am going to test this with infernoids for a bit ? what do you think ? this card can be brought easy with decatron shennanigans. Would this be a semi-linear way for noids ?

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try monarch or hieratic monarch..............or if you manage to find a new way, be sure to share your secret bruh xd 

wait.....can't infernoids summon this thing ? i dunno since ultimaya needs a dedicated deck catering to it rather then being a second line finisher tactic

wait infernoid has Tribute effs right? and combo with hieratics . . . .^^^


lemme try it!

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Wasn't there the whole Quickdraw + Cydra s*** or something when everyone was using Infinity Turbo? That could be another option, albeit a very gimmicky and not as good as Monarchs and Hieratics.

Yes, it serves as an alternate "cut-off" point to the ideal Sifr-Quasar play. One method would be to use two Quickdraw to end on CDI, and use stein off road Warrior to end on Exterio-CDI, but Ultimaya is the least dedication method when under Maxx "C"


This might be taken poorly, but I think if the ED was increased to 20 or even 25, Synchro Turbo would be the best deck in the game

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Yes, it serves as an alternate "cut-off" point to the ideal Sifr-Quasar play. One method would be to use two Quickdraw to end on CDI, and use stein off road Warrior to end on Exterio-CDI, but Ultimaya is the least dedication method when under Maxx "C"


This might be taken poorly, but I think if the ED was increased to 20 or even 25, Synchro Turbo would be the best deck in the game

Not the best in the game, but it would definitely become a bigger contender. Synchro turbo needs more ED space than any deck i know of, and at the same time, the amount of ED plays synchro turbo is capable of during a single turn is incredible (I went through 9 ED cards on the 2nd turn using synchro turbo, some of them i even played multiple times) the only limitation on the deck's ability is space, and with 20 cards, that issue goes away really fast.

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lol even burning abyss can run and smash with ultimaya using this beauty :




Tested but got little consistency issues due to this not being that searchable but did not lose a duel where i did not drop ultimaya with this


dante + beatrice + dank law + clear wing / ultimaya felt badass.

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Why would you ever summon this in BA, let alone OCG BA. Trish and the r3nk pool is about as "creative" as you should get smh

no limit to meme and creativity is it lol ? seemed a bit legit, situational but worked pretty fine tbh. You can also bait on backrow and ultimaya provides a little spice with dante lol

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Well ultimaya would take up so much room! In the ED and on the field, even if you have rhino, that's barely any room for development

Also gate seems situational, why would you ever go for ultimaya over Beatrice with it?

my ed only has 3 dante, 2 dank law and 1 beatrice and some random 2-3 rank 2-3 xyz stuff with trish and rest are ultimaya and it's targets.

Aint that good but still pretty gimmicky

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