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I'll prolly end up killing myself or someone will do it for me and put me out of my misery. Hopefully one of the two


Bruh, you and I might but heads, but please don't wish that on yourself.  There are so many opportunities for you to better yourself in the coming year, that you can turn that misery around and into joy.  I pray that you find it.  I don't wish death upon you.  I wish you joy, security, peace, and love.  And you, and everyone else deserves it.

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Might try to work part time if I can find a place to work during my off time from tech. Having a more reliable source of money would be nice. Also going to volunteer. With the current timetable I have Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons are free, with Friday's being completely free. Other than that just focus on studying for exams and try to decide what to do fortune next academic year.

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I hope to go to my first convention of sorts (an anime-related one). I've also got a few movies that come out next year that I'm looking forward to. And I'll be finished with high school by June. I also may be able to finally start practicing a martial art. And I'll try to have a good seventeenth birthday and stuff. Most of all, I'm going to make 2016 a really good year because I've had way too many bad ones consecutively.


EDIT: I'm also finally going to meet my fiancé in person (and no, it's defintely not an arranged marriage or anything like that).

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I think getting a girlfriend is our "resolution" for most of us...



Getting one is even mine I cannot deny.

But I best be realistic, and not get my hopes up too high.



I could use a few pounds as I am a tad underweight.

I will try to do my best to post less bait.



I hope I keep doing well in college.

I also wish to gain more life experience and knowledge


I do want my life to get better overall.

I hope it does for you all.

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As I just remembered attend a summer school in Tokyo. My brother attended one last summer and enjoyed it, and I want to go and see more of the world. It will also let me see what Japan is like before I plan a trip to Sakae, Nagoya in 2017, along with my brother and sister.

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Hopefully I can do sufficiently well at Uni and transition well into second year, and hopefully some family sheet sorts itself out and doesn't get worse. I should be going to see my family in America for a few weeks over the summer which I'm already really looking forward to because being there is basically as good as life gets, but other than that I have no real plans.


Those are the things that really stand out, obviously I'd love to find a nice girlfriend and other semi-realistic aspirations but I'd be happy with just the first two. 

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I just want my year not to suck as much. 


I don't have any real ambitions from it, rather than not failing second year of uni, I just want to have a year I can look at and go 'Yeah, this year was a good year all told', which hasn't happened in a long ass time. 


I doubt it will, but hey. Why shouldn't I be hopeful? 

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