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Geargia Vehicroid (With Pendulums!)


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Hello people, this is my Geargia Vehicroid deck! The aim of this deck is to be an effective way of getting out the Fusions. Geargias act as an Xyz engine if I don't draw Power Bond. Their main job is for swarming with Gear Gigant X, which is the key Extra Deck card as it searches out any of my monsters.





x26 Monsters

5x roid Fusion Materials (Drillroid, Stealthroid, Steamroid, Submarineroid, Truckroid)

These are the 'passengers' of the deck, so to speak. While none of them are particularly good, they have come in useful sometimes, especially Drillroid's defence killing and Submarineroid's direct attack.

2x Expressroid

It's a material for Stealth Union, but I wanted to separate it from the rest of the materials as it is really good. Recovering 2 roids late game can be so useful, and is absolutely crucial for acquiring the pieces needed for the Vehicroids. 400 ATK makes it a Machine Duplication target as well.

3x Geargiauger and 2x Geargiaccelerator 

I'm putting these 2 together as they combo together perfectly. Normal Summon auger, then search and Special Summon accelerator to make Gigant X is a typical turn 1 play. Independently of each other, auger can search most of my deck is is very nice for setting up Pendulum Scales by searching Dragong if I already have accelerator or Dinomist Pteran in hand. It is also a Machine Duplication target, which is icing on the cake. Accelerator can also be useful with Geargiano; using its effect to swap it for a Level 4 Geargia then summoning it is another way of making Rank 4s.

3x Geargiano and 3x Geargiano MK-II

What is best about these little guys is Geargiagear. However, they themselves are brilliant for making plays. MK-II is a lovely card that is an instant Rank 3. MK-I is less useful, and is typically what I summon first with Geargiagear as I value MK-II's Normal Summon effect a lot.

2x Scrap Recycler

This card is very nice in this deck as it is my only way of setting up Expressroid directly from my Deck. The recycling effect is awesome, with that additional draw being so helpful for keeping my hand afloat. The card is bad turn 1, however later on as I get things to recycle it becomes a more useful Normal Summon than Geargiauger.

3x Dragong and 3x Dinomist Pteran

I am currently still unsure if Pendulums are the way to go with this deck, however, they are both very easily searchable by Gear Gigant X, and Dragong can be searched by auger and recycled by Recycler, and Pteran can search another of itself if it destroys a monster by battle. Even though I run a fair few Level 3s, Pteran's Scale 3 isn't too much of a problem: The Geargianos are summonable by Geargiagear, and MK-II I would rather Normal Summon than Special Summon. That basically only leaves Scrap Recycler and any drawn Geargiano as un-Pendulum Summonable. What the Pendulums excel at is getting rid of dead roids in my hand and making them into useful Rank 4 fodder. Late game, this is brilliant, as I can constantly recycle my resources with Expressroid after they get detached, and make further Rank 4s.


8x Spells

1x Machine Duplication

Extends Xyz plays. Isn't crucial though, so it makes a nice 1-off.

3x Power Bond

My Fusion Spell of choice. Doubling Attack is bonkers, makes Pair Cycroid very good and Stealth Union usable.

1x Raigeki

Kills all enemy monsters. It's an amazing card.

1x Soul Charge

It's also an amazing card. It's a 1 card comeback, and the Battle Phase restriction means it works nicely with Geargiauger.

2x Twin Twister

Backrow removal that sets up for Expressroid and other things. Basically a better MST most of the time.


6x Traps

3x Call of the Haunted

Seriously good card that has so many uses. Push for damage, make more Xyz, activate Scrap Recycler or Expressroid.

3x Geargiagear

It's a 1 card Rank 4. Drawing this in my opening hand can put me in a great position for the rest of the duel.


So, any help would be appreciated. Cheers!

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