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Masked HEROs Deck [December 2015]


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Masked HEROs

Main Deck version 4

Side Deck version 1

Extra Deck version 2


Hi! I've been testing this deck out on Dueling Network lately and this is my most recent iteration of the deck. As you can see, I'm kind meticulous about the version of the deck and everything because I like to keep track of changes. The last version had, but does not currently include:

x1 Elemental HERO Prisma

x1 Elemental HERO Neos Alius

x1 Fiendish Chain

x1 Elemental HERO Gaia

x1 Masked HERO Koga


Here's a picture of the current version of the deck:




And here is the decklist, please give me comments and feedback on the deck:

[sidenote: all previous versions of the deck are undefeated]


Monsters: 13

x2 Elemental HERO Blazeman

x2 Elemental HERO Bubbleman

x3 Elemental HERO Shadow Mist

x2 Goblindbergh

x2 Mystic Tomato

x2 Summoner Monk


Spells: 18

x2 A Hero Lives

x1 Book of Moon

x1 E -  Emergency Call

x1 HERO's Bond

x3 Mask Change

x1 Mask Charge

x1 Miracle Fusion

x2 Mystical Space Typhoon

x2 Polymerization

x1 Raigeki

x1 Reinforcement of the Army

x1 Skyscraper 2 - Hero City

x1 Soul Charge


Traps: 9

x1 Bottomless Trap Hole

x2 Call of the Haunted

x1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

x1 Fiendish Chain

x1 Hero Signal

x1 Mirror Force

x1 Pinpoint Guard

x1 Solemn Warning


Fusion: 9

x1 Elder Entity Norden

x1 Elemental HERO Absolute Zero

x1 Elemental HERO Core

x1 Elemental HERO Nova Master

x1 Masked HERO Acid

x1 Masked HERO Anki

x2 Masked HERO Dark Law

x1 Masked HERO Goka


Xyz: 6

x1 Blade Armor Ninja

x1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

x1 Gagaga Cowboy

x1 Heroic Champion - Excalibur

x1 Number 101: Silent Honor A.R.K.

x1 Number 103: Ragnazero


Side: 15

x2 Effect Veilers

x2 Flying "C"

x2 Maxx "C"

x1 Form Change

x2 Mask Change II

x1 Mask Charge

x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

x1 Vanity's Emptiness

x1 Abyss Dweller

x1 Diamond Dire Wolf

x1 Number 50: Blackship of Corn

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