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Top 5 Games of 2015


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  1. Super Mario Maker
  2. Etrian Mystery Dungeon (love MD games, haven't gotten around to Pokemon Super yet, though)
  3. Pokemon Shuffle (so addicting I had to take it off of both my 3DS and phone)
  4. Pac-Man 256 (kind of same thing which is why I have no mobile games anymore)
  5. Splatoon (favorite enough. Not my thing to play, but I enjoy what it's done)

Yes, I've actually put one that's only a mobile game. The only things that I'm interested enough in besides these are a few I haven't played yet. Haven't played Splatoon either, but I can tell a lot more about it with the quite significantly large amount of gameplay I've seen compared to others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Undertale


I don't think it's the best game ever, but it was certainly my highlight of 2015. I loved the characters, I loved the emotion put into the game. Soundtrack is incredible too. 


2. The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth


Long awaited expansion to a game I've adored for ages. It has some issues, and I heavily disagree with Lilith's nerf, but it's really enjoyable still. Addicting as f*** game.


3. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3DS

ABOUT f***ing TIME


4. Mario Maker


Honestly, just fun. I feel like they did a good job with it, plus they fixed their mistake of not putting in checkpoints.


I don't have a number five honestly. Haven't gotten to playing Super Mystery Dungeon yet, which I'm excited for.

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I think the only game from this year that I've played is Arkham Knight, which I got a few days ago. I'm halfway through the story and I've completed several side-quests. My huge issue with this game is all of the funking Batmobile gameplay. Oh, and the extremely obvious identity of the Arkham Knight. I mean, I know who he was before the game was even released, and I'm not the biggest Batman nerd on the planet. And the fact that there are no real boss fights (at least Arkham City had Mr. Freeze and Ra's). Everything else is wonderful. I love how dark it is and the mastery of the combat mechanics. The story has some really high points and I rather enjoy how huge the open-world is. I just wish the game wasn't Batman: Battle of the Tanks. Anyway, I'm ending my rant here. Despite what I've said about the game, it's still very good. It's around an 8.8 in my opinion.

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1: FFXIV Heavensward

I know it's just an expansion, but it's a darn good one! A lot of content, incredible story and THE SETTING IS STUNNING. Also because since October i've poured my life and soul into FFXIV.


2: Life is Strange

WHYDID THE ENDING HAVE TO BE LIKE THAT?! WHY?! apart from that. Great story and gorgeous art style, the music is excellent and has introduced me to a lot of great artists.


3: Persona 4 Dancing Al Night

Great music, fun gameplay, cute story. I really enjoyed the music (that's why i bought the Disco Fever edition) and having thechance to listen it whenever i want is great. Some inconcistencies with the P4:G special ending but for the rest it's fine.


4: Splatoon

Addicting af, fun gameplay, extremely colorful. Marie is my waifu. Great game, a must-own for every Wii U owner.


5: A lot of games not from 2015


Xenoblade Chronicles X and Undertale would be in the list, but i haven't played them yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Out of curiosity, is SOMA worth playing after you've seen the story played out already?


I would say yes, but it's from my perspective as a completionist (or in this instance, I wanna know everything there is to know) and some LP's dont quite get the full story (I know one in particular that I wont name >_>), and even on my second playthrough there's this weird satisfaction from finding stuff I missed the first time (such as specific dates indicating when it all happened or certain dialogue made to flesh out the characters)


Honestly though, if you know the story of SOMA, and the questions it gives you, I'd deffinetely say atleast wait for a discount, because you already know most of the "content" in the game.



As for me, from the top of my head.


1: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward


[spoiler=Motivation]As a whole, I would reffer you to Cosmo's points about it,  and while I'm mostly talking about the game as a whole it should still apply for the expansion.


As someone who spent several years with the "WoW" MMO formula and is now sick to death of it. I really was utterly amazed with how much this game managed to draw me in. The setting is stunning to say the least (I honestly had to take a moment to appreciate all the attention to detail that had gone into what is essentially the main city of the expansion area) and I found the storyline incredibly captivating, and the satisfaction at its conclusion can not be understated just because of the wild ride they take you, going in from the original game, to Heavensward's conclusion.


The soundtrack as a whole is a thing of beauty, as Square Enix, to me, show a astounding understanding for how music can emphasise a specific situation if done right, and Masayoshi Soken (as well as the one and only Nobuo Uematsu on some) has yet to dissapoint when it comes to properly conveying a given mood.


The level of content alone in what is supposed to be a mere expansion to a existing game, is almost enough to justify a complete game on its own.


I may have missed the originaly atrocious state of 14 when it launched, but counting from the shutdown of that game, and where the game is now, I dare say Square Enix have changed their ways, aswell as managed to create what is to me the first MMO ever to not stand in WoW's shadow.


If we are ever gonna see another MMO claim the nr 1 spot. I pray this is it



2: Batman Arkham Knight


[spoiler=Motivation]Excluding a downright atrocious PC port to the point, I really like what this game tried to do, and I actually enjoyed the Batmobile gameplay, maybe not as much from a perspective of is this Batman or not, but what the story tries to convey. The unmaking of Batman, and everything he stands for.


Graphics look great, and while the world is open and free to roam around in, it looses point for not having even one civilian in it. The only kind of people you will find roaming the streets are either thugs, rioters, or soldiers.


It also has my to date, all time favourite interpertation of my all time favourite Batman villain, Scarecrow, and John Noble utterly nails the attitude of someone who both wants to, and will, worm their way inside your head just to satisfy their own sadism.


This is not a man who's content with watching the world burn like the Joker, he wants you to dance for him, and the moment you stop being usefull he's content with having your own mind rip itself appart withouth even blinking [spoiler=SLIGHT SPOILER: It also has a great justification of why it's actually a really bad idea to just kill Batman withouth doing what Scarecrow does in AK]

Arkham Knight: "I've seen what your toxin does. I want that"


Scarecrow: "You're well informed about all of us. Arkham Knight. But you're wrong about something. I don't want Batman dead. I want him unmade"


Arkham Knight: "He's better off dead"


Scarecrow: "Kill him and you martyr him, you make him a legend. But break him, humiliate him, terrify him and hold him up for the world to see. Then, he's nothing but a man"


Arkham Knight: "Look. You can do what you want, Crane. But when you're done. I will kill him"


Scarecrow: "Very well. But know this, it'll be an act of mercy when you do"



As a whole the story keeps a very dark and gritty tone, worthy of being a sendoff to the Arkham verse Batman, by having his own legend unmade in front of him by someone who understands and knows details about him most villains can only dream of





[spoiler=Motivation] While honestly lacking in a true "scare" factor, I absolutely adore this game for the questions it poses to the player, and how the developers chose to design the game to better emphasise the point behind it. Where Frictional's previous titles (I cant speak for Penumbra, since I never played it) went more for a more immediate threat to your character as a means to scare, SOMA strips that away* and opts to almost toy with you on a psychological level to the point it left a very powerfull and lasting impact with me. The quiet banging on the wall could be another enemy trying to break through or it's just the pipes. The ocean could hide all manners of things, and The Abyss feels almost deliberately designed to be as claustrophobia inducing as possible.

I would love to go into greater detail here, but I feel that would rob the game of what I love so much about it.


*No joke, there's supposedly files left over indicating waaaay more enemies were planned to be added into the game, but Frictional deliberately removed them last minute in favour of keeping the current tone of the game



4: Bloodborne


[spoiler=Motivation] I will not lie to you. Bloodborne as a game took every single one of my expectations, and smashed them almost as soon as I started playing. Where I thought I would find a game doing a point by point imitation of the "Darksouls" formula for gameplay (Die, die, and keep dying untill the 512th time where you finally win) I found a game that's surprisingly accessable. Quick to grasp the mechanics and weaponry, and a setting that both captivates and intrigues me to no end.


You can clearly see some influence has been taken from works such as H.P Lovecraft, but it's not being done just because, but to better convey the tone of the setting. That our own need to be more then we were intended for, might be corrupting us. And what if we are not alone in this universe, but share it with some level of cosmic horror that our minds both will not, and cannot truly comprehend.


Not to long ago there was the first piece of DLC for the game, The Old Hunters. And regrettably I cannot speak much about it since I'm stuck on the first boss, assumingly due to being on NG+ and being a scrub :P



5: Heroes of the Storm


[spoiler=Motivation] This mostly only gets a spot on my list due to my inability to think of another title, but as someone who generaly avoids the MOBA style gameplay due to finding games like LoL rather difficult to get into due to a high learning curve (and with a over all very toxic community), Heroes of the Storm, to me, does everything right.


While it as a whole simplifies the MOBA gameplay quite a whole lot, the core of it is still there (lane based combat, dont attack base structures withouth either getting power or having minion backup etc). And given specific mechanics on each map it's easy to keep the flow of a match going (I've yet to have it happen to me where the game is basicly becomming one huge Draw), and loosing doesnt even feel bad because every champion is, atleast in some aspect, completely possible to counter, and when you loose it's not because of who everyone was playing, but because the other team were better then you.


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