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Let's play Would You Rather


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Take the long hair; I'd probably look terrible without hair (least in my age). Then again, if I were Saitama or something, maybe bald wouldn't be bad. But whatever.



  • Have Tormey take over YCM as site owner.
  • Get TheProgrammer (TCGEditor creator) to help repair our cardmaker. 

(So...both of these options inevitably say "YCMaker, you're not keeping tabs on your own site, so we're getting someone to do that for you". Take your pick.)

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The latter, as the cardmaker is getting outdated (especially with the addition of Link monsters). I know templates and TCGEditor are options, but it'd be convenient for the options to be in the cardmaker. Plus it might encourage more people to come with the updated carmaker.


Would you rather eat soup or cereal?

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I have the Series 10 templates ready if YCMaker / Programmer ever update, but yeah, fix the cardmaker because that was the main point of this site. Well, Series 9 stuff too bar for some mods I need to make. None of them are perfect, but unlike certain dA users, Zextra and I didn't / don't have the time to add all the special features (and not everyone has $100+ to burn on Photoshop.)


We do have a member who complains that TCGEditor is terrible (you probably know who I'm talking about), but at least you HAVE Pendulums unlike over here. (Seriously though, YCMaker isn't updating the site anytime soon, so...we're stuck in ZEXAL mode indefinitely.)



OT: But anyway, cereal (not like I eat it in the morning b/c I'm dead tired at 4 am on certain days.)



WYR post your artwork on deviantArt or Pixiv?

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I mean you could've at least made it hard, like Interstellar, or Lion King if that's the kind of movies you want to bring up.


Anyway, I've already watched Zootopia, so even though it's a decent movie (I feel the 1000 yard lethal glare from Sakura as I say anything but spectacular) I'd rather pirate the Emoji movie online just to see if it's actually that bad.


Would you rather play Guardians in tournaments once a week for a year or buy all of the Zoodiac cards a day before they get nerfed?

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