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Let's play Would You Rather


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Google says that amounts to about $1,314, so take the 1000 British pounds (though I'm going to hate the taxation on it). 


Would you rather sit next to a person on public transport who:

  • Is extremely large and cannot fit into their one seat without it spreading over to you, and/or spreads their legs, but smells decent. 
  • Is decent sized, keeps their legs closed and can fit into the seat, but reeks of body odor, cigarettes, etc. 

(It's happened a few times by now)

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I'd probably take option 1, even though I do hate it when people spread their legs on the bus (yes, I have to put up with it about once a week on school days minimum).





Probably for charity; least there's a purpose for it. 




  • Be a member on old YCM, with all drama included. (This means the MyBB era)
  • Be a member from new YCM, with only recent stuff.
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I'm a new member and I don't know what you were talking about with MyBB stuff, but I think I'd stay new.


WYR: Eat Oatmeal or Pancakes for breakfast?

(I'd take Oatmeal!)


MyBB is another forum hosting software, and the one YCM was on prior to July 28th, 2010. A lot of the stuff that happened in the old days is better not explained or I don't know about certain stuff. (Forum was a lot more active than it is now)


Yeah, I'm old by YCM standards [8 and a half years], even though I don't make my 10 year anniversary until February 2019; q_q



But anyway...






  • Travel to space
  • Travel under the deep ocean
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Take balut; least I know what it is. 

(Yeah, a sizable chunk of the guys I grew up / went school with are Filipino so...)




  • Have a female president in office with email scandals
  • Have a male president in office with business scandals. 

(Uh, can I just leave it at this because you guys probably know who I mean by now; also because some guy wouldn't zip it about one of them.)

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Drinking. I can survive for a day on foods that contain liquids.


Would you rather get punched in the diaphragm or kicked in the crotch?

Kicked in the crotch since a good punch to the abdomen can be lethal, and a kick to the crotch isn't that painful really.


Would you rather be killed and eaten by a friend so that they could survive, or kill and eat a friend so that you could survive?

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WYR: Tickle a gorilla OR Dance in front of a bear?


Dance in front of a bear, I might Seduce it into letting me go


Would you rather have a passionate "time" with anyone you want or 1,000,000 units of your country's lowest valued bill?

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