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[RP Discussion] What do you get out of RPing?


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Well, it's awkward that this got no replies so far so i guess here it is.


Anyway...well, what I get from RPing is well, the feeling of joy of writing characters in the story. It in itself is a rewarding experience to me. The experience of writing...nay, the experience of immersing yourself as the character you write. That kind of sentimental feeling is what separates RP and collaborative writing.


I like writing dialogues the most actually...though, as for in RPs, since dialogue would be awkward, I usually like to write about their state of mind and how they see the world around them. Interaction is a great thing too, and also one big draw to RPs.


as for last question...aside from the RP's death, i don't really like it when activity stagnates due to not having directions. Interaction is hella fun, but without direction it wouldn't be able to carry the RP.

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IN THEORY what i'd get out of RP-ing is the joy of interaction between us players and the world that the host creates in his mind. host gives us a scenario or problem to find clever solutions to or make choices, and then the host gives us the next scenario in reaction to that, and eventually a story forms. that sort of interaction's what i want but so far i've not really been able to experience in full yet.


what I have found fun participating in RPs so far is creating characters and imagining how they might possibly develop as the RP goes on.

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I like to write. I like to D&D. I like to have my characters interact with others. I like to play in a world somebody else has made. If I'm just writing by myself, then it's just my creativity alone. If I'm RPing with multiple people then it's a melting pot of creativity. I love that. I love working together with others to make a story. This is why I RP.


I guess I'm more sociable than I thought.

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I like enjoy world building when helping make one, I like created flawed characters that can be interesting interacting with other people's characters (who are like 60% of the time, pretty Mary Sue-y) and based on music, and lastly, I like making people laugh. I like writing ICs to be funny to people as well as good for an IC. 

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