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.DOCX extension


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Our facility uses Office 2003 with a couple of 07 installations for testing.  We occasionally receive Word 07 documents in .docx format which we cannot open using either 03 or 07.  Error message is:

"The Office Open XML file *.docx cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents."  Pressing the Details button reveals:

"Microsoft Office cannot open this file because the .zip archive file is an unsupported version."

(The documents have not been sent in zipped format as far as I can tell)

Attempting to have Word 07 repair the document fails.  Trying web-found suggestions regarding selecting the document and choosing Open and Repair or Recover Text From Any File fail also. 


Thanks for any assistance.

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Why hello there, wilsoncrosby, welcome to YCM tech support!


The simplest solution is to update your edition of Microsoft Office to a more recent version. I myself have Word 2010 and that one could open .docx files. If paying for a more recent edition of Word isn't your thing, or if you abhor piracy, then there are a decent number of free alternatives to Word as a word processor. I don't use MS Word myself, I use OpenOffice, and that one's free! And it can open .docx files just fine.


No need to thank me, just another acefully done diagnosis possible for the Ace Therapist Mitcher.


by the way frodo, this is a yugioh card making forum, ya might wanna ask an actual tech forum next time


or am i replying to copy pasta

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Yeah this is a copy thing I think. Look at this: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Greetings%2C+Our+facility+uses+Office+2003+with+a+couple+of+07+installations+for+testing.+We+occasionally+receive+Word+07+documents+in+.docx+format+which+we+cannot+open+using+either+03+or+07.+Error+message+is%3A+%22The+Office+Open+XML+file+*.docx+cannot+be+opened+because+there+are+problems+with+the+contents.%22+Pressing+the+Details+button+reveals%3A+%22Microsoft+Office+cannot+open+this+file+because+the+.zip+archive+file+is+an+unsupported+version.%22+(The+documents+have+not+been+sent+in+zipped+format+as+far+as+I+can+tell)+Attempting+to+have+Word+07+repair+the+document+fails.+Trying+web-found+suggestions+regarding+selecting+the+document+and+choosing+Open+and+Repair+or+Recover+Text+From+Any+File+fail+also.+Thanks+for+any+assistance.&oq=Greetings%2C+Our+facility+uses+Office+2003+with+a+couple+of+07+installations+for+testing.+We+occasionally+receive+Word+07+documents+in+.docx+format+which+we+cannot+open+using+either+03+or+07.+Error+message+is%3A+%22The+Office+Open+XML+file+*.docx+cannot+be+opened+because+there+are+problems+with+the+contents.%22+Pressing+the+Details+button+reveals%3A+%22Microsoft+Office+cannot+open+this+file+because+the+.zip+archive+file+is+an+unsupported+version.%22+(The+documents+have+not+been+sent+in+zipped+format+as+far+as+I+can+tell)+Attempting+to+have+Word+07+repair+the+document+fails.+Trying+web-found+suggestions+regarding+selecting+the+document+and+choosing+Open+and+Repair+or+Recover+Text+From+Any+File+fail+also.+Thanks+for+any+assistance.&aqs=chrome..69i57.656j0j7&client=ubuntu&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8

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