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How does been transgendered affect your life?


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  Firstly, sorry for any incovenience or bad introduction.

The question is self-explanatory, but I'll talk about it:


  Being homosexual means that you like people of the same sex, but don't transform your body. Being transgendered is basically the same, but instead there is a bodily change to adapt yourself with the opposite sex.

  Both cases are about accepting the person as they are and caring for them the same way you'd care for everybody else. However, the transgendered ones have an additional asset to be accepted for. Here lies the question: Do people see you naturally or even sexually if they know about your change? At what percentage?

Additionally, have you met anyone who has chosen to have both genital organs or keep their original one?


EDIT: It's okay for those who don't want to answer personally. General opinions are good too.

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As I'm not transgender, I cannot give an answer to the first question.

I would assume normally.


There are a few transgender students here at college, but I don't know them (or perhaps I know a few, but they haven't come out about this case).



Well, the only person that I know who's a transgender (RL or online) is Shard; that's about it.

Frankly, I would still see them the same way whether or not they chose to be trans.

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I don't think that homosexuality and transgender are linked. Fundamentally, from what I can assume it's less about the sexuality and more about the gender identity.

There might be a correlation but certainly not an actual link.


It has impacted me very positively by now. It was worse before but I'm tough/smart/independent enough to turn it into a net gain. More so as time passes.

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Additionally, have you met anyone who has chosen to have both genital organs or keep their original one?

I do not believe the former is an option unless you are born that way, but the latter is very common, and I think a common misconception people have is: if you're transgender, you swap it out. 


There's always going to be people who don't see past the crotch, regardless of if they're accepting of identity, and while you can't exactly blame them, it can add pressure to someone else's life decisions, which I don't really think is ideal

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Short answers, but understandable.


1) I do not believe the former is an option unless you are born that way, but the latter is very common, and I think a common misconception people have is: if you're transgender, you swap it out. 


2) There's always going to be people who don't see past the crotch, regardless of if they're accepting of identity, and while you can't exactly blame them, it can add pressure to someone else's life decisions, which I don't really think is ideal

1) I'd probably be of that last opinion if it wasn't for a movie I saw years ago.

2) Unless someone is open to "weird adventures", they are prone to seeking logic from their inner beliefs and way of how right or wrong they see things. In other words, one can generally accept someone better if their sexual preference is the desired one, even if the other person is transgendered.

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I'm not transgendered, but i want to give my opinion regarding it.


I DO know some transgendered person (online AND irl), but mostly i don't care, i mean they're also a person, if they're nice and friendly, then let's be friends, i'll be happy, if not, then don't expect to come closer.


I know someone irl who does that, being bullied, shunned by people, it's just sad. Sometimes society don't want to accept that kind of person, especially in my country which majority are muslims. (pls religion aside).


Of course at first it's shocking for me, but then it's not anymore as time passes and knowing more about her.

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