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new attempt at neos ( fun much around deck ) rate and improve

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its a fun idea, that is very speedy and allowing you to special summon neos quickly to direct attack.


3| Elemental Hero Neos


1| Morphing Jar

1| Card Trooper

3| The Immortal Bushi


2| H - Heated Heart

2| E - Emergency Call

2| R - Righteous Justice

3| O - Oversoul

2| HERO Flash!!

1| Heavy Storm

2| reinforcements of the army

1| Giant Trunade

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Monster Reborn

3| Reasoning

3| Monster Gate

3| Hand Destruction

2| Magical Stone Excavation

2| Swing Of Memory

1| Summoner Ark


1| Torential Tribute

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