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Secret Santa 2015: Anime Edition (?)

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You may be wondering what the question mark is for. To tell you, it's because this thread is actually just to see if anyone wants this to happen this year. I haven't seen much talk about Secret Santa this year and when I did, it was for YCM in general (not specifically an anime one) and it seems like I made my status at a weird time (it's likely to be pushed off before I get a few replies).


Also, it would be appreciated if anyone interested in hosting this could say so, and if there are more than one of you then I guess first come first serve (but be sure you can before agreeing to do it). That's because I wasn't exactly planning on hosting again, but if people are interested and no one wants to host I will. If someone is willing to host, I'll probably throw my name in to get something to watch and try to watch it.


And lastly, for anyone that doesn't know what this is about, here's a link to the first one: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/292769-ycm-secret-santa-2012-anime-edition-secret-santas-are-out/?hl=%2Bsecret+%2Bsanta


and here's one to last year's: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/325361-secret-santa-2014-anime-edition/?hl=%2Bsecret+%2Bsanta

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I'm interested in hosting this~

Great! I assume there would be more people if the actual thing gets posted (after all, it's likely not everyone interested would see it this this soon).


Though, we are even further behind schedule than last year, so I would suggest only 5 days for sign-up and submitting your anime presents instead of a week. When you reveal the Santas can be up to you.


I'll lock this after the real thing is posted (if it is).


I'm not TOO interested in this incentivizing me to watch something since I already am getting through my backlog by myself, but if it's for the sake of getting a YCM event up, I guess I'm in. Participant-wise at least.

One of the good things about this is that you can ask for one on your backlog so you can get through it quicker. So you won't have to throw your name in just for the sake of having more participants.

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I'd say it's a good thing a couple or more of the previous ones mentioned not to be afraid to go out of your comfort zone, because otherwise, I'm not sure I'd even be able to find something I've seen that would even be a good fit for a couple people, or something. But I am interested in participating. 

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