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[OGW] Another commander, filter land expeditions

bury the year

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Sad the Oracle of Mul Daya of the set is RG. Still, that gives a lot of ramp.


Mystic Gate is interesting since turning 1 to has some major issues. Not the least of which is its weird in limited. Though it still possible. I think the biggest thing working against Mystic Gate is we've had the art for it for a WHILE so it could be faked.

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I know, but that has issues with it. The biggest issue is having two symbols for the same thing is confusing. Just in general, when a new player sees an old card that adds 1 they aren't going to know that can be used for . Its especially weird to get this in the winter set when the proceeding set had a bunch of cards that made colorless. Meaning limited is going to have Blighted Lands that add 1 and various cards in Oath adding which are the same thing. That honestly is a bad design. Not to mention colorless mana matters is also a theme that could easily work in a large set so using it here seems poor.


I get this could be real, and I get that a lot of players thing is 1, but it seems like a LOT of trouble for that change. The fact that we've had the art since PAX does mean someone could have made a fake so its possible.

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It is weird that they're making a distinction between colorless and generic mana. Especially half way through an expansion. I can see it causing some confusion for newer players. The expedition collector numbers go up to 45. We've only seen 25 so far so the filters are pretty plausible, plus another 10 are on the way.

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So the Wildborn legend is basically a Landfall enabler. In Gruul colors. Omnath EDH players just got a hilarious new toy. I love that it can give trample to ANY creature, not just your own. Lets you help beat out opponents with other players creatures when they swing. 4/4 for 4 ain't too shabby either.

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