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I do, since it's more likely that they're just references to the Dracoslayer monsters. If those are suppose to be references to the Evilswarm I don't know.

Verz got hammed in the ass and their three bosses (Ice Barrier Dragons) got skinned, cleaned, worn, eaten by construct.


End of the war, some pissed off dude finds remnants, and wala, turns into a corrupt evil bastard.

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Oh wait, they're Dragons. That Tribute. Super Rejuvenation incoming.


Seeing as how they're an entire archetype of floodgate monsters, I won't be surprised if someone accidentally does a nonbo with an anti-draw member using Super Rejuv.

Super Rejuv is limited though. If Rulers with Multiple Ravines rarely ran it, why would these guys?

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What the hell's going on can someone tell me please? Why i'm switching faster than the channels on TV ♪


Oh my god Konami, you made another "you can't play YGO" archetype, well done . . .

Maybe i'll use it when i'm in a bad mood *giggle*


Is it just me or . . . Kozmo has good matchups against Armorphage? Like:

> Kozmo rarely SS from ED,

> Kozmo banished? fine anyway.

> Cannot activate effect in a chain? Maybe shut down their tag-out eff a little.


All of Armorphage has either 0 ATK/DEF and 50 points, hmmm . . . . i wonder?

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"neither player can activate effects in a chain."


Is it me or does that sound stupidly broken?? I presuming that basically gives every activated effect a "cards and effects cannot be activated in response" clause.


So RIP Chain Burn, Counter Trap decks, Ghost Ogre, CyDra Infinity... etc, etc

good thing I can get a wavering eyes for free then

Hilarious that this archetype loses to Mirror Conductor.

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For me, this the weirdest archetype concept from YGO: Phage-like viruses, that parasite animals and other monsters, and turn them into... of all things, dragons? I understand the flavor and relationship with Vector, but still, I find the concept of "virus that turns animals into dragons" strange. I mean, parasites that change the form of their hosts isn't exactly a revolutionary concept; it's the part of turning them into dragons, equally complex living beings from a biological standpoint, that throws me off by a bit.

Hmm... now I'm wondering if this behavior would be possible to replicate in real life, through genetic engineering and other technologies. Actually, considering that technology is evolving, and at an exponential rate, I guess it's a matter of "when", rather than "if".



Theory aside, this feels like an oppressive archetype, but the maintenance costs look annoying to play with. I guess the success of the archetype depends on them getting (more) efficient ways of handling their costs.

I randomly thought on taking advantage of "Soul Exchange" by Tributing an opponent's monster for the maintenance costs (although in exchange of your Battle Phase), but then I noticed the cost is requested during the Standby Phase so you cannot use the spell card for that purpose after all.

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Honestly this deck looks pretty garbo


You can't do anything without a 4 card investment (2 scales and 2 monsters to keep up with the scale tribute) and it just looks like it loses to wavering (if they Pend summon 2 cards you can wait til they're standbyphase to tribute the 2 monsters and wavering eyes the scales (assuming this is t1 there's only a small window if they top deck a matching scale with the remaining 1 card and this is assuming they opened a 5 pendulum monster hand)

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Honestly this deck looks pretty garbo


You can't do anything without a 4 card investment (2 scales and 2 monsters to keep up with the scale tribute) and it just looks like it loses to wavering (if they Pend summon 2 cards you can wait til they're standbyphase to tribute the 2 monsters and wavering eyes the scales (assuming this is t1 there's only a small window if they top deck a matching scale with the remaining 1 card and this is assuming they opened a 5 pendulum monster hand)


Tru, but that spell can help out with the wavering thing since it searches.


And honestly this deck seems like a "youcan'tplay.dek" that is also somehow enjoyable. I mean, with Psyframes you have to wait for the opp to do something, and with majespecter you have to have massive deck dedication, but with this you just need something that can spam consistently and you're set. 

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So about the name, does anyone know what it means? I think the middle part is suppose to be morph, but the rest I don't really get.

if this hasn't been answered, it's likely from Amorphous + Phagia. Phagia is a medical suffix used for eating/swallowing, and these appear to consume whatever they infect.
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These are... Really funking weird, but equally as interesting.

Like, I love the whole idea of these being some form of weird hybrid creature because the parasite-esque 'virus' attached to them caused them to become these deformed beings.


Not really sure why they kill off the Extra Deck, but it's an amusng idea.

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I hate Pendulums and lolyoucantplay decks.




Not these, at least not now. These seem pretty f***ing cool. Their effects, (speculated) lore, and their design as chimeric dragons... do you know how much I love dragons? Also, their apparent references and similarities to the lswarm virus and archetypes? I think I'm in love <3. Winter, give the Steelswarms some love; one of their stats ending in 0 was a thing they had going on.


It's probably already been noted, but I think it's nice how Vector is the leader of the Amorphages, and "vector" is the term used for creatures that carry and transmit diseases.

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But Qli were also earth so idgi

qli were in the Duel Terminal archetype, and were the EARTH Rep, which Yang Zing took the part of in Zefra.


Dracoslayers aren't DT, nor are the four elements.


A ritual Dracoverlord seems likely here, considering this archetype is full of the "Draconization" mentioned in VP's text.

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pls give these guys at least 3 more names konmai

and also ways to continuously supply amorphages in hand without relying on Master/Luster + Cont Spell


Well if we're going by what the others have we need a Field Spell, so that will probably do the +300 ATK and DEF thing along with something else... Maybe searching like the Igknight and Majespecter Field Spells, but the Dinomist one just turns your Dinomists into Armades, so it's an unknown what it will do.

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Why.... did they.... seriously... make a floodgate monster PENDULUM deck....


Also is this part of the Luster trio (Specters, Igknights and Dinomist)(Would become a quad if yes) or is this just some new pendulum archetype?



It's related to the Dracoverlord, Vector Pendulum.



This Overlord overran an entire world with his army of Dracofiends, using his Dragon Alchemy to convert all life into his terrible minions. The source of this power is unidentified, and probably extra-dimensional.


Pay attention to his staff's tip.


This is why they have oppressive floodgate effects, as opposed to effects of the other three that match either luster or master. 


Expect a ritual dracoverlord

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