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pre fic planning: Bastion Misawa character discussion

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I'm thinking of possibly writing a yu-gi-oh GX fic, and I may have Bastion play a bigger role then he does in cannon. Thus I wanted to get people's input on a few things about him.


My memories of yu-gi-oh gx have aged a bit. However I seem to remember the impression that when Bastion lost to Tanya [the amazon lady] it felt like his character flaw of falling in love was suddenly pulled out of no where as an excuse to make him lose to a shadow rider without contest. To be fair, he didn't get much screen time before then to develop his personality other then being presented as a formidable opponent for Jaden to face. Perhaps the Japanese version led up to his loss better, since I've mostly seen GX dubbed. If that's the case I might build on those missing pieces. What do you make of this and do you have a good way to integrate what's shown into a believable personality.

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Having watched GX to completion (Seasons 1-4) as well as the manga, it's no secret Bastion likes girls. If it's not Tania or Alexis, it's female monster cards.


But yeah, Bastion is a strategist, and I guess you could say a bit of a meta-player. He's not afraid to exploit his opponent's weaknesses and counter-deck either. Another key trait is that he's not afraid to show respect to his opponent win or lose, probably a polar opposite to early Chazz. Bastion is also a man of science, if you couldn't tell from his anime decks. You can expand on all of these things. As long as it's something like this, it's fine.

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With Bastion, think of it this way: Would an irl player side X card against Y deck? If the answer is yes, he main decks it. In universe, they have time to prepare before facing their opponents and Bastion will find a deck's weakness and exploit it. Reliant on graveyard? Macro Cosmos. Reliant on Banish? Imperial Iron Wall. Heavy searching? TK Rai-Oh. That's the kind of player he is.

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Doesn't he also have an inferiority complex? I vaguely remember that being a driving motivator in season 2 (I believe).


He is also proud, and maybe a bit overconfident, but it is completely justified considering what the others have said about his strategic mind. He has belief in his Deck, but not to the extent of other characters; I could definitely see him being one who would be willing to surrender if the odds were way against him.


His dueling strengths involve him knowing the strong combos of pretty much any deck and having the time and calculating mind to plan for it. However, his prowess is much like Batman, strong when prepared, only ok when unprepared. However, with 6 decks on hand, he's likely able to counter his opponent even if he just learned what they were playing.

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Bastion honestly reminds me of Kaiser Ryo (Zane for whoever watched the dub) as a duelist; technically very proficient, just not a great improviser. I agree he has faith in his deck, but it's more from a technical standpoint, faith in his own ability to create something capable of countering his opponents than heart of the cards. He's very much a tactician who looks at things with a scientific viewpoint.

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