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Pokémon Movesets Thread

Cool Girl

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@Trebuchet MS: Alright, thanks.


So, I got Rotom and I'm going to change it into Rotom Wash and I really don't know what its moveset should be. Here's the information needed.


Rotom (Wash)

Ability: Levitate

Naughty Nature



Hydro Pump





If you guys know any moveset I should add, let me know! ;)

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So I got a Mawile and I was wondering what its moves should be. Here's the information needed.


Mawile(Steel/Fairy Type) @ Mawilite (I don't have it at the moment, but if I do, I will use it. This is the moveset I thought about if it's going to be Mega Mawile)

Ability: Sheer Force

Relax Nature



Swords Dance

Iron Head

Thunder Punch

Ice Punch


Let me know what you guys think of this moveset! :)

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This is the build I have on my Mawile


Adamant Mawile

EVs: 252 HP, 252 ATK, 4 SPD

Play Rough, Sucker Punch, Sword Dance, Fire Fang



You can't do much about the Nature, and two of those moves are egg moves. The most important thing though is to have Play Rough. Steel is a pretty bad attacking type while Fairy is one of the best.

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Actually, while playing, Mawile is about to learn Sucker Punch. Based on the moveset I have, which move should i replace to get Sucker Punch? In case you don't know what my moveset is, here it is. I think I might know, so let me know if this is right!


Swords Dance

Play Rought

Sucker Punch

Ice Punch

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Well, first thing I'll tell you is that its nature is terrible.

Brave nature kills off its best aspect (Speed) while promoting something that it doesn't want (physical Attack).


Best nature for Jolteon is Timid (the inverse of what you have now).



Also, I'd change Thunder Wave on your team to Volt Switch; at least you will be able to damage the opponent and get out before they do anything.


For the item, you can keep Choice Specs (though being locked into one move isn't good unless your opponent will get killed by that and/or you can afford a switch turn).

You can go for Life Orb if you want; won't be as powerful and will cut your HP, but you have free access to whatever moves you need.

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Brave is the worse possible nature on Jolteon. It raises a stat you aren't using a lowers your best stat. In game you want to avoid stats on Jolteon that lower SPA or SPE and in competitive you want Timid.


As for move set, Jolteon REALLY has slim pickings. If you can get a Hidden Power with a Grass or Ice type use that, otherwise you'll have to make due with Shadow Ball. T-Wave is also REALLY bad on a Choice set. Volt Switch is a much better option.

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Again, bad nature.

You have a Modest nature, which cuts physical Attack (which your entire set runs on).


Get another one that doesn't cut physical Attack or Speed; Jolly would be an ideal nature for you.

That and Bulk Up doesn't help too much, considering its frailty.



You can run a special set, but I'd advise against it because base 85 SpAtk isn't as great.

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Jolly really doesn't do anything for Munchlax/Snorlax, since its base speed is pathetic anyway and a speed boost will not help.

Remember, base 15/30 is slower than even a ton of first stage Pokes (or equal).


It also doesn't use special attacks, so cutting SpAtk is of no consequence to it.


But yeah, you should use a +Def/SpDef nature to make it harder to remove; if you cut Speed or SpAtk, that's fine as neither of them get used anyway.

Speed cut works fine, because Trick Room.

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All Mega Stones are the Pokemon name with an "ite" at the end. So Heracrossite, Lucarioite, Metagrossite, etc.


Anyway, Mild isn't a good nature for Hera. It isn't BAD, but not what you'd want. You also have the worse ability for a Heracross. Though if your using the Mega it isn't THAT important.


If your using the Mega you'd want to take advantage of the ability, Skill Link.


So, the best set to use is

Pin Missile

Close Combat

Rock Blast

Filler (normally Earthquake)


Since you can't get Rock Blast, Stone Edge is your best bet, and if the 80% acc scares you Rock Slide is fine.

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As for its nature, it's preferentially Adamant or Jolly, considering how slow MegaCross is.


If you can access Hidden Abilities, Moxie does wonders on Heracross as you can get an Attack buff by choosing not to Mega it as you finish off a weakened opponent. The resulting firepower after the Mega with just 1 boost is a sight to behold.

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