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Pokémon Movesets Thread

Cool Girl

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So, I posted this on the wrong thread, my apologies! Basically, this thread is for people who need help figuring out their movesets for their pokémon. I had this idea of doing this thread so that we won't have to do a new topic for the same thing. Besides, I think we will really be able to help each other as a community! :)

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So, I caught a Phanpy and I was thinking about its moveset when it evolves into Donphan. Here's the information needed and let me know what you guys think about this moveset.



Item: Leftovers (Let me know if I should change the item)

Brave Nature

Ability: (Right now, my phanpy has sand veil. I don't know if that'll change when it evolves, but let me know if it does)



Body Slam

Fire Fang

Bullet Seed

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Which Pokémon should i pick: (I'm playing Gen 3 monotype game) : Charizard or Blastoise? This is so f****** hard!!! Also, if you choose between them, what should be their moveset. I sorta of have an idea about their moveset. Here it is



Item: ???





Item: ???


Hydro Pump

Hydro Cannon

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Assuming your playing on a emulator to make Charizard mono.


The Pokemon you use should depend on the team around them. The issue with Gen 3 is that you have VERY poor pickings in terms of moves. As I've said before the moves aren't SUPER important in game. Just use the strongest move of your type (especially in Gen 3) and a couple coverage options if you have good ones to pick from. Worse comes to worse Status moves and good stat modifiers like Swords Dance also make for good moves to use.

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I know, but this is hard, because I feel like they're both really good. And, well, it's not really a gen 3 game, I'm playing another fan made game called Pokémon Fuligin, that's all. I'm just trying to manage with what I've got in the game!

Assuming your picking a starter just use your favorite. Another option is to pick the one you don't use as often.


And my comment was in regards tot he Gen 3 engine. Compared to the later Gens anything using it is going to be missing out on a lot of really good additions.

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Considering the type-based phys/spec classification pre-Gen IV, I would recommend Swords Dance or Dragon Dance since a lot of Charizard's moves are considered physical. There's not a lot for Charizard to optimally work with in Gen III, though the saving grace is that there is no Stealth Rock to worry about.

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Alright, so I caught a female nidoran, and I'm thinking about its moveset when it evolves into Nidoqueen. Also, I'm wondering at what level I evolve Nidorina (because it evolves with Moon Stone), so please let me know that too. Here's the information needed. (Please try to keep the moveset gen 3 because I'm playing gen 3)



Mild Nature

Item: Leftovers???(Let me know the item too! if you can)





Double Kick


Also, what item do you think Charizard should hold? (gen 3)





Swords Dance/Dragon Dance

Air Slash

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You don't need double kick and super power. Super Power is just WAY better. As for moves though she can do just about anything since her move pool is MASSIVE. Earthquake and Sludge Bomb are both good places to start. For the other two I'd recommend Shadow Ball and Ice Beam though Super Power is also good.


Leftovers is fine for the item.

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