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TL;DR - Justice4Jamar Dindu Nuffin

Halubaris Maphotika

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Let me wake you bastards up real quick.  You expect a community of people forced into slums and ghettos, who are guaranteed to be targeted, isolated, victimized, raped, and killed, to not become violent?  You want me to sit here and believe that all the sheet that my people go through, you're suddenly surprised when we get pissed off at all the sheet we have to go through to earn equal pay, equal opportunity, equal funking rights?  Are you seriously trying to "throw a cold bucket of reality water" onto the situation?  Here's the reality.  


Black Lives Matter was started because my people had to find a way to let you bastards no that we're still here.  There will be radicals among us.  There are radicals among you.  But don't get this sheet twisted.  The entire funking system is designed to keep my people down.  And when we rise up and fight back, you make us your enemy.  You make us the bad guys.  Guess what?  We're not going any funking where.

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Let me wake you motherf***ers up real quick.  You expect a community of people forced into slums and ghettos, who are guaranteed to be targeted, isolated, victimized, raped, and killed, to not become violent?  You want me to sit here and believe that all the s*** that my people go through, you're suddenly surprised when we get pissed off at all the s*** we have to go through to earn equal pay, equal opportunity, equal f***ing rights?  Are you seriously trying to "throw a cold bucket of reality water" onto the situation?  Here's the reality.  


Black Lives Matter was started because my people had to find a way to let you motherf***ers no that we're still here.  There will be radicals among us.  There are radicals among you.  But don't get this s*** twisted.  The entire f***ing system is designed to keep my people down.  And when we rise up and fight back, you make us your enemy.  You make us the bad guys.  Guess what?  We're not going any f***ing where.

I never said I expected a community to not be violent. That doesn't make anything they did right. Ever.


I am not going to address anything else you put because it is all Identity Politics. "My people", "you" "designed to keep my people down", that type of "I am this and I represent this" doesn't funking help anybody. I don't give a flying f*ck what Black Lives Matter started for, they have become obnoxious and dangerous. If you refuse to see what this movement has become than you can remain in your bubble, that's none of my business.

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I never said I expected a community to not be violent. That doesn't make anything they did right. Ever.


I am not going to address anything else you put because it is all Identity Politics. "My people", "you" "designed to keep my people down", that type of "I am this and I represent this" doesn't funking help anybody. I don't give a flying f*ck what Black Lives Matter started for, they have become obnoxious and dangerous. If you refuse to see what this movement has become than you can remain in your bubble, that's none of my business.


Obviously you didn't read, so let me reitterate.  The KKK doesn't represent Christianity.  Daesh doesn't represent ISLAM.  And a few radicals involved in Black Lives Matter doesn't define the movement.  And if you wanna be the one to define us all, so be it.  Stay in your bubble.

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Obviously you didn't read, so let me reitterate.  The KKK doesn't represent Christianity.  Daesh doesn't represent ISLAM.  And a few radicals involved in Black Lives Matter doesn't define the movement.  And if you wanna be the one to define us all, so be it.  Stay in your bubble.

Christianity condemns the KKK. Muslims condemn Daesh. Yet you still try to defend a movement that has caused nothing but property damage, fear, and violence? It is not a few radicals, this has been all over for the past five months. Universities, neighborhoods; it's become mob mentality searching for racism where it doesn't exist. Your denial of reality will not change that. They are not few, they are a majority.

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Christianity condemns the KKK. Muslims condemn Daesh. Yet you still try to defend a movement that has caused nothing but property damage, fear, and violence? It is not a few radicals, this has been all over for the past five months. Universities, neighborhoods; it's become mob mentality searching for racism where it doesn't exist. Your denial of reality will not change that. They are not few, they are a majority.


False.  The majority are quiet.  The majority are the same ones condemning these idiots who seem to think looting is okay.  Who think shootings are okay.  But once again, as soon as one of us step out of line, our whole movement is condemned.  It was like this during the civil rights movement.  It's like that now.  Mob mentality is not tolerated.  And the same bastards in Ferguson who let all hell break loose were condemned by the majority.  The same ones in New york who took things into their own hands were condemned by the community.  The same ones who interrupted Bernie Sanders speech were condemned by the community.  The same ones who attacked the Trump speech were condemned.  Just because you pick and choose what parts of the movement are outlandish and broken doesn't change the fact that the majority of us, want one thing:  equal rights.


But you wouldn't understand that.  You're just like the rest of them.  The media portrays as thugs, and so that's all you see.  But BLM wasn't responsible for the Boston Bombings.  BLM wasn't responsible for the school shootings and the college gun downs.  BLM wasn't responsible for the unarmed slaying of a teen.  So what the funk are you talking about?


This kid, tho. And he didn't even make a clock.


Mohammad is guilty of being a troll.

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Can I just ask who the f*** appointed Dad to be the representative of Black people and when.....


Before you start stuffing your social justice s*** down my throat, you do realize that more black people kill black people than any other race does? IDK why you're so eager to hang the whites when "your" own race is just as if not more guilty.


Plenty of Black people succeed in life, if others don't have it in them to strive and achieve, the least they can do is stop f***ing b****ing.


Were Trayvon Martin and other murders a travesty? Damn right. But how about wiping your SJW dung on George Zimmerman instead of my face


It's funny, "kill all the funking cops"? How about we remove all the cops from Chicago so the world can really see what south side will devolve into. People like you disgust me. You say we're not all like the few radical blacks, YOU DO funking realize not all cops are murderous swines like Van Dyke right? Oh? You did? Thought so



Mohammad is guilty of being a troll.



The kid is damn lucky he didn't get in legal trouble for that stunt. He/his father was/were attempting to incite public discord in a setting where there otherwise was none.

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Can I just ask who the f*** appointed Dad to be the representative of Black people and when.....


Before you start stuffing your social justice sheet down my throat, you do realize that more black people kill black people than any other race does? IDK why you're so eager to hang the whites when "your" own race is just as if not more guilty.


Plenty of Black people succeed in life, if others don't have it in them to strive and achieve, the least they can do is stop funking jabroniing.


Were Trayvon Martin and other murders a travesty? Damn right. But how about wiping your SJW dung on George Zimmerman instead of my face


No you funking troll.  You misunderstand, or you're misreading on purpose.  I like how you immediately assume we aren't protesting against violence in our own community.  A boy--age nine--was lured and killed by a bunch of gangbanging bastards in Chicago.  We are workign hard to find those bastards, and we know they're black.  No one's hanging whites.  Because a lot of them are standing with us.  But you're so ready to derail the funking conversation that you decided to interpret what I'm talking about.  Let me be clear.


White people aren't being demonized.  The radicals among them are.  Muslims aren't being demonized.  The radicals among them are.  Mexicans aren't being demonized.  The radicals among them are.  But we, as black people, are being demonized as a whole, because of the radicals among us.  You wanna talk about social justice warriors?  But you're telling me to stop jabroniing because I want a fighting chance?


I acknowledge that plenty of my brothers and sisters are successful.  We praise them for it.  But the fact of the matter is, more black people are criminalized for crimes than most of America.  More black people are incarcerated than most of any other race in this country.  And we don't make up the majority of people in the United States.  So how bout you do a little funking research, before you decide you're some God damn knight on a white horse?  


How the funk are you going to honestly speak on the black community, and our crime rates, and not tell me what you're so actively doing to help us?  When someone kills, we rally against it, not for it.  You lose someone, we rally with you.  But once again, you can't see that.  The entire justice system is designed to keep minorities lower on the funking bracket.  We're not asking for special privileges or some outrageous sum of money.  We're asking that people everywhere acknowledge that we have been handed a sheet hand.  And even when we get new cards, we're continuously losing to the House.


We're not asking you to go out and give every black person a hug or donate to a black charity.  We're asking you to make a simple mental conclusion:  black lives matter (too).



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All Lives Matter: Kill all these f***ing cops. Kill their kids too.


YUP, I SEE IT NOW! White kid 17, got shot for having weed, was walking away from the officer with his hands over his head, did all the white people in the area form a lynch mob? Hint: The answer isn't Yes


Honestly, people like you bring shame to everything MLK worked for.....man's rolling in his grave 

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All Lives Matter: Kill all these f***ing cops. Kill their kids too.


YUP, I SEE IT NOW! White kid 17, got shot for having weed, was walking away from the officer with his hands over his head, did all the white people in the area form a lynch mob? Hint: The answer isn't Yes


Honestly, people like you bring shame to everything MLK worked for.....man's rolling in his grave 


What the funk are you talking about?  I literally, just said we condemn these people.  Are you mentally distraught?  MLK fought for the rights of everyone.  Civil rights.  And he started with us.  The only lynch mob started by us was the Panthers.  And again, the majority of BLM condemns it.  But I guess you're too gungho to spend a single intricate thought on anything other than making us your enemy.  That kid deserves justice.  Just like every other wrongful murder at the hands of crooked cops.  But oh knowledgable Winter knows a whole hell of a lot about injustice at the hands of police officers.


He's been out there, grieving and fighting with good people (black or white) who want crooked cops brought to justice.  You're a funking joke.

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What the f*** are you talking about?  I literally, just said we condemn these people.  Are you mentally distraught?  MLK fought for the rights of everyone.  Civil rights.  And he started with us.  The only lynch mob started by us was the Panthers.  And again, the majority of BLM condemns it.  But I guess you're too gungho to spend a single intricate thought on anything other than making us your enemy.  That kid deserves justice.  Just like every other wrongful murder at the hands of crooked cops.  But oh knowledgable Winter knows a whole hell of a lot about injustice at the hands of police officers.


He's been out there, grieving and fighting with good people (black or white) who want crooked cops brought to justice.  You're a f***ing joke.

You condemn these people? Were you condemning the violence in St. Louis too? How about Florida? Hmm, you condemnation seems to mean jack s***, cause YOU people just jump up at every damn thing. People demonize BLM cause of incivility like this. I have no interest in making the "us" you speak of my enemy. They're doing that well enough when instead of litigation, they go cause 50k in damage.


BLM Condemns it? Well thanks I guess? How about if BLM is so important for the society they get their hot tempered brothers to calm the f*** down, then we'll listen. 


It comes down to either BLM doesn't condemn is truly, or they don't have enough influence over people fighting for the same goal. In which case why do we need an ineffective group?


Again are you like the black SJW represenative on this site, cause jeez, you like to throw around the "us" a ton

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You condemn these people? Were you condemning the violence in St. Louis too? How about Florida? Hmm, you condemnation seems to mean jack s***, cause YOU people just jump up at every damn thing. People demonize BLM cause of incivility like this. I have no interest in making the "us" you speak of my enemy. They're doing that well enough when instead of litigation, they go cause 50k in damage.


BLM Condemns it? Well thanks I guess? How about if BLM is so important for the society they get their hot tempered brothers to calm the f*** down, then we'll listen. 


It comes down to either BLM doesn't condemn is truly, or they don't have enough influence over people fighting for the same goal. In which case why do we need an ineffective group?


Again are you like the black SJW represenative on this site, cause jeez, you like to throw around the "us" a ton


Yeah.  We were condemning the violence in St. Louis.  When members of BLM stood outside of shops and bookstores arm-to-arm holding off looters.  "You people".  What people?  Black people?  I may have misunderstood unless you're talking about BLM people.  I don't wanna jump to any conclusions.


So uh, speaking of calming down brothers, have you guys talked to the KKK or any of those hate groups?  Cuz we'd be willing to listen if they actually wanted to chill out.


I mean, either you like the KKK or you don't have enough influence to control them.


And since we're talking about social justice representatives, I'll take that title.  I realize and understand that the KKK is not an organization that represents or associates with all of America.  I comprehend that no single incident caused by a number of people would make me point fingers at the whole and accuse them of being thugs.  But obviously you don't.  I asked you to help me, and you turned against me.  Someone else goes off the hinges, and I take the blame for it.  And since you're fine with that, I guess if I wanna keep the peace, I just have to accept that Black people as a whole are problems.  Guess I should go back to the motherland, right?

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KKK now vs KKK in the 60's: Black Rioters Now vs Black Militant Groups back in the 60's


Assuming you've somehow come to the false conclusion that I'm white? I'd say that white people have largely forced the KKK underground and to death's door.


The latest lynching? Michael Donald. His Killer was sentenced to death. If they wanna go sit in a Gettyburg park and peacefully burn a cross, that's their first amendment right and neither you nor I can do anything about it


We haven't talked to the KKK, we've largely exterminated them, your turn. Linking hands isn't good enough. Erode them to the point where they have no influence like the KKK is now. Tell me when BLM launches a rally criticizing the "kill their children too"

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KKK now vs KKK in the 60's: Black Rioters Now vs Black Militant Groups back in the 60's


Assuming you've somehow come to the false conclusion that I'm white? I'd say that white people have largely forced the KKK underground and to death's door.


The latest lynching? Michael Donald. His Killer was sentenced to death. If they wanna go sit in a Gettyburg park and peacefully burn a cross, that's their first amendment right and neither you nor I can do anything about it


We haven't talked to the KKK, we've largely exterminated them, your turn. Linking hands isn't good enough. Erode them to the point where they have no influence like the KKK is now. Tell me when BLM launches a rally criticizing the "kill their children too"


They have.  In Chicago.  Actually, right here in N.O.  And know I wasn't assuming you were white.  But it's easier to relate the majority of America to a small group of nutjobs like them, because I know black people already don't fit in.  There was a shooting of kids and adults at a music video shooting not long ago right here in New Orleans.  There was absolute chaos with people running for their lives.  BLM wasn't there.  But the Black Community (a few of my uncles were there as well) were not having it.  There were protests by the parents, by the friends and family of these victims from the Black Community who were up in arms.  And it's not just here.  You most likely will not see this on t.v.


But we are active.  We know we have problems in our community.  And there's a reason you barely hear from the Black Panthers.  They I will say are a group of thugs.  And as far as I know they do not work with BLM.  We fight to keep them down too.  No one condones killing children.  That's funking evil.  And we found that jabroni that executed the kid.



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