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Student Association bans hanging of American Flag

Ryusei the Morning Star

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Then why live in this country

b****es gotta live somewhere


The bill, R50-70, was authored by Social Ecology Representative Matthew Guevara, and accuses all flags, especially, the American flag, of being “symbols of patriotism or weapons for nationalism.”


FML...that's the god damn point you nimwits

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* facepalm *


The point of the American flag is to express national pride, because we live in America.

We don't fly the flag to say "screw any other country that isn't the red/white and blue".


(I would assume the same would go for other countries with their national flag)


Yeah, the US has a history of colonizing other nations in the past, but aren't other countries guilty of the same?


Although it begs the question "Is this Matthew Guevara even a citizen of the United States?"

I won't render judgment as to whether he's an exchange student from another country or a US national, at least not right now.


Also the part about anything being removed if someone finds it offensive...yeah, what the hell?

Refer to that article about restricting free speech.

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While I get what you're saying, I get what they're saying. Some flags can be quite politically charged and carry certain stigmata in spite of their saluters' intentions. Like this one:




Sure, there are those who advocate for the Confederate Flag as a symbol of "heritage not hate", but it's hard to shake its pro-slavery reputation from those who'd flown it with less than pure intentions.  


I can see why if the space is meant to be inclusive, it could make some people uncomfortable, particularly if they were being discriminated against based on their ethnic background and wanted to find asylum. Planting a tree will help the land that reared you more than planting a flag.


But that's just my two defunct Canadian pennies. Seriously, we banned pennies the other year.    

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On topic: the flag of a country is meant to represent that country. Everything about a country, for better or worse is represented within it's flag. I can understand why people would be offended by the history a flag carries, and some of it's ideologies, but it is irrational to take down the symbol of a country simply because you don't like parts of it's history. embassies for example, represent all countries in unity by waving their flags side by side, flags aren't what these people should be fighting, because that's scapegoating a symbol (and not even the right one) in place of the problem.




[spoiler=slightly off topic]The hell is wrong with these people? do they even know what adversity means? these are the kinds of kids that don't understand why they fail and blame everything but their own incompetence. anybody who's faced real trouble in their life would understand that a flag is the least of their problems. I'm not going to say i hate these people, because they really do have good intentions. but i hate their f***ing mindset. they expect the world around them to accommodate every wish they have simply because they've never broken out of their special snowflake mentality. everybody in the entire damn world is offended by something or other, you cannot remove all the things that offend people, because there would literally be nothing left at the end of it.


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This has happened before at a school. Students where banned from wearing shorts that had the flag on them. But this was because they where using it as a white some anti immigrant gang affiliation to intimidate minorities. I suppose in some circumstances its called for. Its the connotation that changes its meaning I think. Take the swastika for example. It was originally a Hindi and native American symbol that had a completely different meaning than what it is known for today.

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This has happened before at a school. Students where banned from wearing shorts that had the flag on them. But this was because they where using it as a white some anti immigrant gang affiliation to intimidate minorities. I suppose in some circumstances its called for. Its the connotation that changes its meaning I think. Take the swastika for example. It was originally a Hindi and native American symbol that had a completely different meaning than what it is known for today.


Unforunately the Nazis twisted the funking Swastika.  Iirc it was a peace symbol until those bastards got their hands on it.  God damn ridiculous that all this safe space bullshit is interrupting quality education, and it's funking insulting that these kids are trying to get the flag of their own country taken down.  funking embarrassment.

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I see no reason for the flag to be banned in the lobby but there really shouldn't be too much backlash. It isn't Northern Ireland. Fly a Union Flag on the city hall all year round and decided to change to 18 days a year and you get Unionist riots and the government trying to make a flag which incorporates both Nationalist and Unionist cultures. There is no real reason for it other than they don't like each other.

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