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What Are Noob-Friendly Decks?

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I'm gonna be honest here and say blackwings. They are easy to pick up, dirt cheap if wanting to learn IRL, pretty competent at beating the crap out of decks and whilst being simple they have enough complex plays to keep people interested. Maybe slightly harder to pick up than say tellarknight though.

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For XYZ basics: Tellars/Machina-Gadgets

For Fusion basics: HERO/Shaddoll

For Synchro basics: X-Sabers (probably not that great for wins)/Blackwings

For Pendulum basics: Igknights


Personally, I feel Tellars are probably the easiest while Igknights are probably the most open for customizing.

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I'm gonna be honest here and say blackwings. They are easy to pick up, dirt cheap if wanting to learn IRL, pretty competent at beating the crap out of decks and whilst being simple they have enough complex plays to keep people interested. Maybe slightly harder to pick up than say tellarknight though.

Blackwings ain't simple lol, you have to mediate the XYZ and Synchro toolbox correctly, it's that much harder to use properly with Horsefaggot legal


Don't scare off the noobs  >_>

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Blackwings ain't simple lol, you have to mediate the XYZ and Synchro toolbox correctly, it's that much harder to use properly with Horsefaggot legal


Don't scare off the noobs  >_>

It's really not that hard, tell them to netdeck my deck and they're setup for life m8. Also, knowing when to make xyz and synchro is easy, xyz is to remove instant threats or control with dweller or zerofyne and synchro is for mass damage and OTK.
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It's really not that hard, tell them to netdeck my deck and they're setup for life m8. Also, knowing when to make xyz and synchro is easy, xyz is to remove instant threats or control with dweller or zerofyne and synchro is for mass damage and OTK.

Hmm Blackwings must be really diff in TCG then, you have to REALLY know the deck well to top with it, like better than Sahabi knew Infernity when he won worlds

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Hmm Blackwings must be really diff in TCG then, you have to REALLY know the deck well to top with it, like better than Sahabi knew Infernity when he won worlds

They are literally my best deck and I've been playing them for 2 years so maybe that's why it's kinda simple for me.... Um yeah.

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Blackwings really aren't rocket science, at least not to play at a certain level of competence. I did see someone suggest Shaddoll though which are an incredibly difficult deck with all kinds of important decision trees every turn, they're absolutely not noob-friendly. Tellarknights are really the obvious choice, along with stuff like HERO and Igknights (although they're hardly an advertisement for the game).

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Blackwings really aren't rocket science, at least not to play at a certain level of competence. I did see someone suggest Shaddoll though which are an incredibly difficult deck with all kinds of important decision trees every turn, they're absolutely not noob-friendly. Tellarknights are really the obvious choice, along with stuff like HERO and Igknights (although they're hardly an advertisement for the game).

Shaddolls have a high learning curve, but will really teach you about the game rapidly, post conny ban, playing the deck in either format will make you appreciate the engine and actully learn to play instead of just daneb, altair, daneb, VEGA, altair daneb

Dude I've already beaten you 3-0 with them was that not good enough?

You played a sheet tier 5 OCG deck that's so linear it makes Kozmo jealous. Get off your high horse son

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Getting into Yugioh is much less about learning your own deck than learning the decks of others and how certain playstyles play against you. You want a deck that's competent and difficult to misplay with so that you can force opposing decks to play to their full potential so that way you can see how all kinds of decks work, not just yours.

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Getting into Yugioh is much less about learning your own deck than learning the decks of others and how certain playstyles play against you. You want a deck that's competent and difficult to misplay with so that you can force opposing decks to play to their full potential so that way you can see how all kinds of decks work, not just yours.

I guess we're gonna have to agree to disagree on this one.


I find that both are vital. And the only way to make yourself a better player is by playing a rather difficult deck to start. Shaddoll don't have nearly the learning curve of Ritual Beast or pepe, but they're not helmet, especially post Construct ban


The best way to learn other decks, is to watch people play against them. I guess when I got back into this game after goat it was Tele-DAD, a rather high ceiling deck, but you have either learn or get eaten, and that pressure works for me atleast. 

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Blackwings ain't simple lol, you have to mediate the XYZ and Synchro toolbox correctly, it's that much harder to use properly with Horsefaggot legal

Chain Burn ain't simple lol, you have to understand the finer details of starting and building Chains correctly, it's that much harder to use properly when you can use the effects at any point in the opponent's turn


...Couldn't resist.

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skull servants (or zombies in general) are pretty strong and incredibly cheap. the deck takes some skill, but it's the overall basic skills that you'd need to play any deck. you can choose to go synchro and Xyz and it lets you get acquainted to unorthodox decks. They aren't tier one, but it's fun to use.

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skull servants (or zombies in general) are pretty strong and incredibly cheap. the deck takes some skill, but it's the overall basic skills that you'd need to play any deck. you can choose to go synchro and Xyz and it lets you get acquainted to unorthodox decks. They aren't tier one, but it's fun to use.

Ayyyy my first deck. So apparently I had made a good decision, and me liking it was just a bonus.

Though still super noob-y hence this topic.

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