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[Ice Barrier Technique: Channel the Dragon]


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Ice Barrier Technique: Channel the Dragon
Normal Spell Card
Target 1 "Ice Barrier" monster you control; send from your Extra Deck to the Graveyard 1 WATER Synchro whose Level is equal to the targeted monsters Level, +3, then destroy up to 2 cards on the field. You can only activate 1 "Ice Barrier Technique: Channel the Dragon" per turn. You cannot Special Summon or conduct your Battle Phase the turn you activate this card.
idk, saw the image, made the card. Thought about making it "up to 3" cards instead of 2, given how the image illustrates it, but it would probably be too much.
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If you are keeping it as 'destroy 2 cards', I'd just give it a "Can only use 1 copy of this card per turn" clause and call it a day. The lack of Battle Phase and Special Summons in the same turn are unnesecary. I mean, sure, it's a +1 card tied to Ice Barriers, but the fact it's tied to Ice Barriers is a drawback in and of itself.

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Perhaps you could get away with a x3 destruction by Tributing the targeted Ice Barrier monster? That would turn the card into a 2-for-3, but bound to an under-supported archetype unlike, let's say, Burning Abyss and their Fire Lake, so I guess it would be acceptable. Then you could even loosen up the restrictions by a bit since you are losing 1 monster.

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