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The CCG Introduces: SuzuyaSama


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 Greetings, everyone. SuzuyaSama is the name xP (If you can't tell, I am fan of Tokyo Ghoul). Of course. you can call me any variation of the name xD. Well, first off, I took homage into the community to maybe meet some new people, create some magnificent cards, and possibly call this place home xP.

 Hm, a little about me... I am a fan of Anime, although I haven't seen too many. My life revolves around listening to music x'D I couldn't even name everything that I listen to, but my favorite band is System of a Down, if any of you have heard of them. I love retro video games, especially 2D fighters. Hmm, lastly, I'm an amateur graphic artist (I haven't been doing the trade for too long), but I try to practice as often as I can. Criticism benefits me the most, so feel free to share ^-^ 


(P.S. Sorry for any typos beforehand.)

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What a well-rounded-sounding member we've got here.  Welcome aboard (^_^)/


Don't forget to read the rules, since those are important and stuff.  For the most part it's just common sense stuff that you should already know, but a good look at them can't possibly hurt.  If you've got any questions, feel free to ask myself or any of the site moderators.


And most importantly, don't forget to have a good time here.

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Welcome to YCM, SuzuyaSama.

British and Yui already took care of the rules business so not going to say much on it, but yeah do read them.


Feel free to post your graphic works in Showcase if you're inclined to; the regulars don't bite in there (usually).


Any questions, PM me / one of my colleagues or a veteran member.


Have fun.

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