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> Pop Culture Cards Rules - READ BEFORE POSTING! <

Junk Raver

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A quick noob question, when you say we should credit where we got the pics we use should we do that on the spot of the card that says "Creator" or just in the thread we post our cards in. Second, so far all the images I used I've gotten by searching Google, so should I just say from Google?

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The Pop culture section has basically a great exception to this though.


i dont understand this part...


YCMaker has altered the site so that people can post 10 images only in each post.


are you just talking about this section? because i posted a bleach set in the finished sets section (w/out posting them in pop culture and asking them to be moved...forgive me?) and have more than 10 cards in the set and didnt have a problem.


finally. i saw a member recently post some pics that were what i would consider PG-13. there was no nudity but the ladies were pretty busty with bikini type tops on. now i would like to post a set of the ladies of bleach...and essentially (lol?) i have found the bustiest images possible (lolz?..:|). again there is no nudity...but i am at the technological limit of cleavage. can i post this titilating set with a disclaimer of PG-13 in the title?



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