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3 Fuzzy Lanius

3 Mimicry Lanius

1 Necro Vulture

3 Sharp Lanius

2 Singing Lanius

3 Tribute Lanius

3 Vanishing Lanius

2 Raidraptor Call

3 Raidraptor - Nest

1 Raigeki

2 RUM Revolution Force

3 RUM Soul Shave Force

2 Twin Twister

3 Icarus Attack

3 Raidraptor - Readiness

3 Raptor's Gust


1 Castel

2 Cydra Infinity

1 King Kali Yuga


1 Cowboy

2 Zerofyne

1 Blaze Falcon

3 Force Strix

1 Revolution Falcon

1 Rise Falcon

1 Satellite Cannon Falcon


Best deck. Call is alright, kind of leaning towards going back to Swallow's Nest but Call is a guaranteed turn 1 Strix which is pretty pivotal. Other than that want to look at rebalancing the extra a bit. Don't think I really need 2 Zerofyne but would only be dropping it to put a 2nd Castel so leaving it for now. Ignore the side also, don't really do matches so it's irrelevant. Actually I need to add Dweller now I think of it.

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In all honesty, Sharp is unnecessary and I would personally drop a Singing for Jar of Avarice.


Sharp is a nice thing to have, that effect of switching things to defence baits out Cydra Infinity for one, and generally makes it able get over a lot of things. Reviving something like a Tribute or a Vanishing in M2 then gives you a lot of options. Mentioning Jar reminds me I had also meant include Daigusto Emeral, not really sure about Jar but may try one. It's a slow +0 that is dead at the start, and Nest lets me recycle things anyway.

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