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House passes bill that could limit Syrian refugees

Ryusei the Morning Star

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Thanks to turn-coat Democrats they can now override a Veto. f***ing France is still keeping with their pledge, the Islamophobia in this country is sickening. I don't think people realize that this discrimination is EXACTLY what ISIS wants, we're just feeding them more recruits.
Sorry, I'm not making any cohesive sense, but this really upsets me, for once in a very long time, I'm ashamed to be an American

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How are the refugees even getting to America from Syria without having money of their own? I don't understand how this situation could arise when they're crossing the stretch of ocean on overcrowded boats and such to get into Europe, how are these people flying to America? I'm probably being ignorant of something but that's the first thing that came to mind reading this.


Title is greatly misrepresentative of what appears to be happening also.

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People need to realize, Daesh wants results fast. Sending single people over here in a process that takes months is not to their agenda. Instead of being concerned about how Daesh got a bomb aboard a Russian plane, people are busy shitting on children and widows. 


No American should be proud today, because Daesh has won today

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It's not looking good there either, Republicans have played the phobia enough to swing enough Democrats.


Couple that with Obama's incessant need to be politically correct and quite a few Democrats are turned off from party lines as well


Out of all the things that the two parties could agree on, it's this? Wow.


Although, can't say I'm surprised this is happening after many governors said they won't allow Syrian refugees in their states.

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These people need help. Lots of it.


However, America is not the only place in the world they can go. Places that are closer to. Hell, go to Russia, ISIS can't handle Russia.


Why is it that people always talk down to America, but never talk about how much we try to help, to the point we can barely take care of ourselves? "We never wanted your help, you just make things worse,"


And the one time we decide, "We can't do it," is the time everyone bastards and goes "Why aren't you helping?"

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These people need help. Lots of it.


However, America is not the only place in the world they can go. Places that are closer to. Hell, go to Russia, ISIS can't handle Russia.


Why is it that people always talk down to America, but never talk about how much we try to help, to the point we can barely take care of ourselves? "We never wanted your help, you just make things worse,"


And the one time we decide, "We can't do it," is the time everyone bastards and goes "Why aren't you helping?"


I mean America is kinda responsible for this mess in the first place.

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I mean, its not like the US already has a process to vent potentially dangerous individuals or that the majority of the people involved in the Paris attack weren't refuges. Nope, instead gotta treat the people fleeing the terrorists as if they are one.

Because that process is perfect.


Just ask Boston.


Or the apparent terrorists hiding in several states. (I know it may be a bluff, but my girlfriend lives in one of the threatened states and I'm terrified for her)


EDIT: Okay, harsh, I know, but I'm sick of people blaming America when there are other places they can flee to! I mean, no one else is telling anyone else to open their doors.

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EDIT: Okay, harsh, I know, but I'm sick of people blaming America when there are other places they can flee to! I mean, no one else is telling anyone else to open their doors.


That's because other countries have already taken refugee's in, and because given America's position in the world you are expected to help out. 


Hell, the fact that the US is backing out on fears of national security is complete bollocks when the French are actually taking more people in that previously intended. And another part of why people will be annoyed at this decision. 


In effect, this decision just makes you look bad in the eyes of the rest of the world. And I mean, you already looked pretty s*** when it came to the middle east. 


Because seriously; If you are letting paranoia of a minority of a minority prevent you from actually helping, then you are basically letting them win. Because you are believing all the bullshit they are trying to get you to think. And that falls hand in hand with trying to get other Muslims to join there ranks. 


It's just dumb.

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Fixed that for ya.


And why is radical Islam such a problem at the minute? Because America (yes, and Britain) bombed the sheet out of the Middle East just for oil and gave all these people something to hate the West for. You reap what you sow.

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And why is radical Islam such a problem at the minute? Because America (yes, and Britain) bombed the s*** out of the Middle East just for oil and gave all these people something to hate the West for. You reap what you sow.

Radical Islam is a problem, period. Long before we bombed them, will be for long after we did. Radical Islam will never be not a problem.

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Isn't it popular consensus that the US catalysed much of the conflict in the Middle East? And perhaps even in creating the correct sort of environment for radical Islam to flourish.


It's not that the US created radical Islam, but it's not unreasonable to say that a lax attitude led to its growth.

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Isn't it popular consensus that the US catalysed much of the conflict in the Middle East? And perhaps even in creating the correct sort of environment for radical Islam to flourish.

See, no, Radical Islam was ALWAYS a problem. Long before America was even created. A religion that bases itself in 'kill those that don't believe like you do' and 'It's okay to lie as long as it's for the glory of Allah' will always be a problem. Notice I say Radical. It may not be everyone, but there's enough of them in power, and even just those with enough screws loose, that they do cause problems.

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See, no, Radical Islam was ALWAYS a problem. Long before America was even created. A religion that bases itself in 'kill those that don't believe like you do' and 'It's okay to lie as long as it's for the glory of Allah' will always be a problem. Notice I say Radical. It may not be everyone, but there's enough of them in power, and even just those with enough screws loose, that they do cause problems.

That's a non sequitur to my question. If you disregard the magnitude of a problem, you're not saying much.

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See, no, Radical Islam was ALWAYS a problem. Long before America was even created. A religion that bases itself in 'kill those that don't believe like you do' and 'It's okay to lie as long as it's for the glory of Allah' will always be a problem. Notice I say Radical. It may not be everyone, but there's enough of them in power, and even just those with enough screws loose, that they do cause problems.


Go back 1000 years and Islam is the religion of the most advanced cultures in Europe and Africa. Christians were basically savages those days, justifying mass murder in the name of God to slaughter infidels. It's got nothing to do with the religion itself, just how people are interpreting it in a certain location of the world. 


Radical Islam is a problem yes, as is every religion when Radicalised. Be in Christianity, Buddhism, Islam or Judaism. 


That doesn't change that Radicial Islamic groups have in effect been encouraged by the actions of the West, and definitely incited attacks on our nations due to our actions. You shouldn't deny that by just saying 'Oh radicals are a problem' - Yes they are a problem, a problem we've made worse by essentially prodding them with sharp sticks for the past two decades. 


You are just trying to side-step the idea that the West has made it worse by implying it's always been an issue. When it is just an issue we've made worse. 

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The democrats probably agreed with the Republicans on denying refuge because they don't want to get involved in the middle east anymore. They wish to focus more on domestic problems and less on world affairs. I doubt Russia wants anything to do with the refugees. Europe is starting to avoid the refugee problem. Maybe if there was some neutral territory that doesn't have much going for it in terms of population and warfare perhaps that could solve the problem. Or something as simple as some CIA background checks or anything that will make people more comfortable with this ordeal perhaps.

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Fine, fine.


The West has obviously made the persecution of Christians and refugees worse. Obviously, if we didn't bomb them, they never would have killed all those people.


Wait a minute...


What I'm trying to say is it does not matter what we would have done, they have attacked and killed all those people anyways. 9/11 after all, was totally America's fault, right? That, after all, started the chain reaction that brought us here.


You know what? Screw it. I'm getting too invested into an argument when it shouldn't be an argument.


The point is, America is out. Instead of jabroniing, let's find them somewhere else to go.

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My understanding of the problem came from when the United States invaded Afghanistan the first time, as a direct response to the Soviet Union invading Afghanistan, where they armed Anti-USSR rebels in an attempt to push the Soviets out to prevent the spread of Communism. What happened in Paris was undeniably horrible, and innocent civilians should not be the ones bearing the brunt of insane extremists attacking all our sheet, but to say that the West is entirely blameless in this situation would be incorrect, we're not the problem, but we've certainly not exactly helped ourselves.


 A lot of the Middle East also hates Israel, something the West thought was a good idea when we were done with Nazism and Japanese Imperialism. In a way, we've stuck our foot in the door and made targets of ourself in front of these monsters. 


 Also, holy clickbait title batman. 

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