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[MANGA] Number 77: The Seven Sins [Premium Pack 18] Finally came out!

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The funny thing is that if the R10 monster in question only requires generic mats, any spider deck they have planned for it will not at all be the deck that will run it best unless its effect only benefits insects. I think you know what deck I'm talking about.


I have no problem with Trains using The Seven Sins as a wincon.


If it's Fiend-Type, it doesn't surprise me, since the thing was more or less the embodiment of evil.

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Effect updated. It is a Fiend-Type and has 3000 DEF. It says it needs 2 Xyz Materials to activate it's 1st effect (not 1 Material), banish Special Summoned monsters (not face-up monsters), and detach 1 Xyz Material to avoid destructions (not all Materials)

'You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a Rank 10 or Rank 11 DARK Xyz Monster you control as the Xyz Material. If you do, its 1st effect cannot be activated this turn. 1: Once per turn: You can detach 2 Xyz Material from this card; banish all Special Summoned monsters your opponent controls, and if you do, attach 1 of those monsters to this card as an Xyz Material. 2: If this card on the field would be destroyed by battle or by card effect, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card instead.'



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Numbers 77 The Seven Sins / Number 77: The Seven Sins
Dark Fiend / Xyz / Effect
RK12 4000/3000
2 Level 12 monsters
You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a Rank 10 or 11 DARK Xyz Monster you control as the Xyz Material (Xyz Materials attached to those monsters also become Xyz Materials attached to this card), but if you do you cannot activate this card’s (1) effect during this turn.
(1) Once per turn: You can detach 2 Xyz Materials from this card; banish as many Special Summoned monsters your opponent controls as possible, and if you do, attach 1 of them to this card as Xyz Material.
(2) If this card on the field would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from it instead.


Full effect


We'll def get other yagumo numbers one day.

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We'll get 35, 70 and 84 eventually, but yeah this is disappointing right now.

Only R10 or 11s that fit the bill right now is C92 (but who runs that?). If we get 35/84, then maybe this card won't suck as bad.


But as-is, no point in using it.

At least it has a 101-esque effect and it banishes the opponent's board, which is nice.


Problem is getting it out in the first place.


[Then again, it's still Castel and bounce/banish-weak]


There's still some time left for reveals, so perhaps we will get those other Numbers + this card's alt summon condition becomes relevant. However, take it with a grain of salt at present.

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It's not one time Sakura. Odds are you'll summon this off of something with at least 2 mats on it, so, that monster + those 2 mats will become mats for this, giving this three. You ditch 2 for the banish, then attach 1 of them to this, giving it 2 mats. So, in general you can get off 2 sweeps so long as you don't need to protect this card.

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Number 77 is far more Summonable than you all think. I've already figured out how to make it either with 3 Materials in damn near any Deck or with 7 materials in Charmers.


3 Materials in any Deck

  1. Get a monster in your Graveyard
  2. Make literally any DARK Xyz monster.
  3. Summon Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord
  4. Creation Magician's Pendulum effect: Copy Exodius's L10 turning the DARK Xyz R10.
  5. Xyz Change to 77


7 Materials in Charmers

  1. Get 5 Charmers/stolen L3s on the field.
  2. Xyz Shark Caesar (5 L3 Mats)
  3. In MP2, Xyz Change to Downerd Magician (6 mats)
  4. Summon Exodius
  5. Creation Magician P-Effect makes Downerd Magician R10
  6. Xyz Change to 77

Not impossible, you just have to jump through hoops.

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