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Greetings, and welcome to the forum.


Brief tips about cardmaking:

  • Check out the Combined Card Design Guide (in Advanced Cards) to get an idea about balance.
  • When you generate the card image, click on the image. A link should appear - copy-paste that link and the img tags into your topic post when you're posting up the card.
  • No attachments. They disappear after a while, and your topic gets locked for being cardless.

That aside, read the rest of the rules, stay out of trouble, and have a good time.


I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

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Gadjiltron already said everything about card making, but know that there is a design guide in Casual as well.

But yeah, welcome to YCM.


Make sure you read the rules (both general YCM and section stuff) so you know what we expect of you.


Anyway, PM me/one of my colleagues or a veteran member (i.e. British, Gadjiltron/Trebuchet, etc.) if you need help.

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