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Billy Decks

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I'm not entirely sure if this is the proper place for this. If not, I'd like a mod to move it, please.


Anyways, for those not aware of what a "Billy Deck" is, you can read up on them here.


Basically, you take a bunch of cards, like, say, cards that represent Archery, and build a deck around them.


More often than not, the deck is absolute garbage, but people play them not for the sake of winning, but for a nice break from the meta, and for something fun and unique.


What are you guys' thoughts on Billy Decks? I'm interested in hearing them.

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I generally don't run them, but when I make a billy deck, I often like to give it at least one test run.  I actually made a Phantom of the Opera-themed billy deck once with cards like Fabled Raven, Ghost Ship, Blood Mefist and a handful of other cards I can't quite recall, and it was actually a surprise synchro deck once I started testing it.


I tried an Abyssal-themed deck once because Abyssal Fleet, but that didn't work so well and was clunky & unfun.

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I mean if you need to intentionally play suboptimally to have fun you need a different game.


They're not intentionally sub-optimal, but they're designed around a theme or concept other than the objective of winning and if cards that are objectively worse but thematically better than alternatives are available as options they will be used, but not with the intention of making the deck worse for no reason, with the intention of keeping to the chosen theme. Different people find different things fun, there's not a correct way to enjoy something like.

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i've made australian deck centered on master of oz before....incosistent as hell

but its really hilarious to play, deck like that are fine, its a good change of pace from competitive duel, just dont blame meta deck for being good

if you lose to them while playing deck like that (there's a lot of people that do this)

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I am pretty much incapable of making a Billy deck, especially for my characters. For example, trying to make a deck for a Water/Ice elemental user...Snow Counters and Cloudian Synchro. Deck for the SUpreme overlord of the Underworld (It's...a long story)? Generic Zombie Turbo deck, with her avatar using Burning Skulls mostly because I like that deck. Even my interdimensional Space Dragon gets rather lazy, with Banishychics. I'm boring. And Optimal.

The most Billy decks I can think of that I make are ones more based around a single card or silly combo, but I believe that's more Johnny style.

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Closest I have to a Billy deck is likely the MPB stuff as Aircraft (though I shouldn't call it one, because it runs coherently + wins a good amount of the time [obvious matchup problems prevent this from being perfect, but you get it]). Oh right, Weasels also exist as Yosenjus for the most part.


As a whole on Billy decks, I have a neutral opinion on them; if you want to play a weird theme deck, then go ahead.

Some of my characters in an off-site fanfic do use them though.


For personal use, don't think I can really build one without wanting to reach for Archetypal stuff.



Also, the Pokemon one; how in the world does one pull that off consistently?

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Ah, Billy Decks. My favorite type of Deck because they're always interesting to play or face and relatively unpredictable. Fond memories of the early 2000s when they were the only possible Deck building option. I thought I'd made some for the longest time, but now that I've seen a formal definition of them... I haven't. What I'd been doing the whole time was finding hidden synergy in random cards whenever a new card came out.


The closest I've come is probably this Konami.dek, with an end goal of Summoning either Neo Tachyon, Dyson Sphere, or Heart-eartH Dragon.


[spoiler=big image]




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I tried making a Maiden deck once. It was horrible and I had no fun with it at all. I have way more fun with actually good decks like Kozmo than Billy Decks. A deck doesn't need to be terrible to have fun. You can still be competitive and have a good time.

Nah, im sick of playing brain dead decks.


While Raptors aren't a billy deck they are my "break" from the BS known as kozmo, majespecter, Pepe

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