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Back-Up Rider

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Target 1 face-up monster on the field; it gains 1500 ATK until the end of this turn.


So, on the age where removal by battle arent that relevant anymore, is there any chance attack boosting effect seeing play?

honestly i think this card arent bad at all,. 1500 is a pretty big increase, and it has no cost/restriction whatsoever, making

it a generic kalut , allowing your NSable monster to take out stronger monster, or combined with card like trapeze magician/OEPD

it can grant you easy OTK



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Well at least the card itself is atleast gives you a decent means of taking out big monsters your opponent will have out with high ATK or DEF. Heck it can be decent with Enlightenment Paladin for recycling it for a 4000 ATK monster with a Flame Wingman effect. In addition to this its doesn't have a OPT clause meaning you can stack for a maximum of 4500 boost if you have 3.

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If only this is Quick.


yeah if this quick it will definitely be more viable....just like forbidden lance  (although that double with protection, this one give more boost)


Well at least the card itself is atleast gives you a decent means of taking out big monsters your opponent will have out with high ATK or DEF. Heck it can be decent with Enlightenment Paladin for recycling it for a 4000 ATK monster with a Flame Wingman effect. In addition to this its doesn't have a OPT clause meaning you can stack for a maximum of 4500 boost if you have 3.


yeah multiple of this are deadly, OEPD with 2 of this can end the game by attacking a monster with 1500 or less atk

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