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Penalty Game!

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The window in which it can be used is way too specific.

Your opponent is more likely to control when the card can be activated than you are.

At the end of the day, there is no consistent way to make this live through hand-size manipulation. You won't be giving them a bigger hand just to make this live and shrinking the hand is effects that are very far and in-between. 


Then there's the pay-off, which it might be more flexible than Trap Stun's "both negate their traps only this turn", but it is not worth it IMO.

Even the Time Seal effect. 

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Cant you chain it to the setting/activation of whatever card that drops them to 4 cards in hand? Like, against EmEm, or Maje or any Pendulum deck, chain it to them setting scales?

You can but if this is first turn we're talking about, they've already set both scales by the time  you've activated this.

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Just a quick, pedantic note to everyone: this card is hard to activate not to resolve. That's why Garland was sounding confused.


Edit, to be on topic: Yeah this card is too hard to resolvejoke so it's not worth using. If it had a more powerful effect, you could in theory build a gimmicky deck including lots of hand manipulation, but it's just not very good.

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